Archives for August 2023

Words of Wisdom for August 11, 2023

Dear Friends: “I’m committed to telling as many people as possible that we are the same in being human. Because that makes us brothers and sisters, there’s no point in accumulating weapons and fighting among ourselves. I believe that if you really cultivate a compassionate attitude, even if there is weapon to hand, you’ll have […]

Words of Wisdom for August 9, 2023

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for August 8, 2023

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for August 7, 2023

Dear Friends: You don’t have to reject the science or reject the magic. You have to reject the idea that those things are mutually exclusive. It’s the binary nature of it that isn’t true. So it’s not believe or don’t believe. It’s neither. – Rowan Mangan, Bewildered, Ep. 10: More Than Five Senses Read More […]

Words of Wisdom for August 6, 2023

Dear Friends: “I’m not a circus artist… I’m a soul searcher. I found things that anybody can adopt. I found things that everybody is able to awaken within [themselves], that science is showing are very accessible, very powerful.” – Wim Hof Read More Mini Mindfulness Breaks Click here to offer what you can for eBooks […]

Words of Wisdom for August 5, 2023

Dear Friends: “By constant practice, one day this energy will reach to your sahasrar, the crown chakra. But meanwhile it will pass through other chakras and on each chakra there are different experiences; on each chakra your life will be filled with a new light. And as your energy passes through each chakra, new fragrances, […]

Words of Wisdom for August 4, 2023

Dear Friends: “The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” – Gaylord Nelson Read More Word of Wisdom Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and Guided Mediations! Mindfulness Personal Training May you be free from […]

Words of Wisdom for August 3, 2023

Dear Friends: Even as a mother protects with her life her child, her only child, so with a boundless heart, should one cherish all living beings.– Buddha, Karaniya Metta Sutta Read More Word of Wisdom Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and Guided Mediations! Mindfulness Personal Training May you be free from […]

Words of Wisdom for August 2, 2023

Dear Friends: People don’t cry when they lose their hope. They cry when they get it back.– Martha Beck, Finding Your Own North Star Read More Word of Wisdom Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and Guided Mediations! Mindfulness Personal Training May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering! […]

Words of Wisdom for August 1, 2023

Dear Friends: “Patience is the mark of true love. If you truly love someone, you will be more patient with that person.”– Thich Nhat Hanh, Quoted in Mindfulness Breaks: Your Path to Awakening Read More Word of Wisdom Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and Guided Mediations! Mindfulness Personal Training May you […]