Archives for September 2023

Words of Wisdom for September 30, 2023

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for September 29, 2023

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for September 28, 2023

Dear Friends: I come to you without me, come to me without you.Self is the thorn in the sole of the soul.Merge with others,If you stay in self, you are a grain, you are a drop,If you merge with others, you are an ocean, you are a mine. – Jalaluddin Rumi Read More Mini Mindfulness […]

Words of Wisdom for September 27, 2023

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for September 26, 2023

Dear Friends: Compassion literally means to feel with, to suffer with.Everyone is capable of compassion, and yet everyone tends to avoid it because it’s uncomfortable. And the avoidance produces psychic numbing

Words of Wisdom for September 25, 2023

Dear Friends: With the realization of one’s own potential andself-confidence in one’s ability,one can build a better world.According to my own experience, self-confidence is very important.That sort of confidence is not a blind one;it is an awareness of one’s own potential.On that basis, human beings can transform themselves by increasing the good qualitiesand reducing the […]

Words of Wisdom for September 24, 2023

Dear Friends: “Remember to breathe, remember to feel, remember to care. Let us do this for our children and ourselves and our children’s children. Let us practice for life’s sake.” – Gunilla Norris, Inviting Silence Read More Mini Mindfulness Breaks Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and Guided Mediations! Here’s an interesting […]

Words of Wisdom for September 23, 2023

Dear Friends: In enaction, there’s this added layer of awareness of the participation of the living being in the creation of meaning, and the creation of the reality that it exists in. That’s where wonderful new enactive thinkers have come up with this notion of ‘participatory sense-making’

Words of Wisdom for September 22, 2023

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for September 21, 2023

Dear Friends: