Search Results for: just-as-it-is

Attaining Enlightenment

Attaining enlightenment seems to be what we are all looking for when we diligently practice mindful meditation every day. I know, from personal experience, that this can be a very difficult task. When I was 19, I had three transformative experiences that shaped my life. I did not know what theses were experiences were until […]

Listening Closely to the Music of Your Mind

Andrew Olendzki, Ph. D. is a Buddhist scholar, teacher, and one of my favorite writers. I read everything of his that appears in Buddhist magazines. In these words of wisdom from, he writes about listening closely to the music of your mind. In this way, we learn to see life just as it is, […]

Pharrell Williams Is Happy

I love this video. Pharrell Williams is Happy! Everyone is happy. People are jumping up and down with joy and  happiness. We all should be doing so. Why, you may ask? Because life exists only the present moment and we have everything we need to be happy. Just look around you. We are the gift […]