15 Healthy Beliefs to Be Stubborn About – Purpose Fairy

We have the ability to create beliefs that actually support and benefit us.Here are a few positive beliefs that you can choose from to be stubborn about: Source: 15 Healthy Beliefs to Be Stubborn About – Purpose Fairy

The Divine Now

Living life in the divine now, the present moment is taught by all spiritual teachers from all traditions. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says, “My path is the path of stopping, the path of enjoying the present moment. It is a path where every step brings me back to my true home. It is a […]

Managing Stress

Managing stress is a difficult problem for most people. They either succumb to it and panic (like I did on my Ph. D. orals at the University of Chicago) or they use it as a trigger to harness their full capacity to conquer their situation (like I did when I first got cancer in 1997). […]

True Love Is Made Of Understanding

My teacher, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, is constantly reinforcing the experience that true love is make of understanding. This teaching is simple and profound. If we don’t understand our beloved, how can there be true love? We must develop the willingness and capacity to understand the person we love. True love requires us to […]

A Brown Robe, a Brown Coat

“A Brown Robe, a Brown Coat” is a poem by my dharma brother and fellow Order of Interbeing (OI) member, Mike McMahon. It was posted on the OI listserv yesterday and many brothers and sisters had wonderful things to say about it. A Brown Robe, a Brown Coat I was a person in the world. […]

Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

The key to overcoming insomnia and sleep problems lies in your ability to quiet your mind and relax your body before you go to sleep. Source: Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

Dealing with Loss: 10 Ways to Remember Your Departed Loved Ones – Purpose Fairy

While not all ways of coping are great, each person needs to find their own way of accepting the loss and learning to live with it. Source: Dealing with Loss: 10 Ways to Remember Your Departed Loved Ones – Purpose Fairy

35 Life Lessons to Learn from Henry David Thoreau – Purpose Fairy

Henry David Thoreau was one of America’s most famous writers. As a philosopher, he spoke about the idea of discovering and living a more simple life Source: 35 Life Lessons to Learn from Henry David Thoreau – Purpose Fairy

The Right Amount of Stress

The right amount of stress in any given situation is called eustress and an overwhelming amount of is called distress. It is possible to generate eustress in situations where we put ourselves out, stretch our limits, and reach out of our comfort zone. On the other hand, distress can be very harmful to our immune […]

Hope, Faith and Love

This lovely poem on the subject of hope, faith and love came to me from Lama Surya Das and I am truly grateful. It embeds some wonderful teachings about what we can accomplish in our lives, what is true and beautiful and how we are interdependent on others for our happiness. Nothing worth doing is […]