yada The Mindlessness of Aggression In the eyes of Great Compassion, there is no separation between subject and object, no separate self. If a cruel and violent person disembowels you, you can smile and look at him with love. It is his upbringing, his situation, and his ignorance that cause him to act so mindlessly. […]
Finding Goals
yada “Crocker isn’t the only researcher who has investigated the benefits of taking a tend-and-befriend approach to achieving personal goals. Dave Yeager… has shown that helping students find their bigger-than-self goals improves academic motivation and performance. In one study, college students were given a twenty-minute ‘beyond-the-self’ mindset intervention that included this exercise: Take a moment […]
Harvard researchers discovered the one thing everyone needs for happier, healthier lives – The Washington Post
And it has nothing to do with work or money. Source: Harvard researchers discovered the one thing everyone needs for happier, healthier lives – The Washington Post
Cultivating Self-Love and Self-Acceptance
yada “To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now.” ~ Alan Cohen REMINDER: Today’s happiness theme is “self-love and self-acceptance.” When I was younger, it was hard for me to accept myself. How could […]
Forgiveness Exercise
This forgiveness exercise is part of a 21-day Happiness Challenge from Luminita Saviuc, also known as the Purpose Ferry. Forgiveness is a theme that has appeared frequently in these pages. You may recall the article I wrote called A Prayer of Forgiveness in which I told the story of forgiving my brother after many years […]
On Living Your Purpose and Changing the World – Purpose Fairy
I remember the day like it was yesterday, the day I announced that I will be changing the world. Source: On Living Your Purpose and Changing the World – Purpose Fairy
7 Ways To Support Someone You Love – Purpose Fairy
Here are a few ways you can support a loved one (and yourself) through difficult times. Source: 7 Ways To Support Someone You Love – Purpose Fairy
A Walk in Nature Can Improve Memory
In a recent study at the University of Michigan, researchers found that a walk in nature can improve memory. The study was reported in a book by Michael Gelb and Kelly Howell called Brain Power: Improve Your Mind as You Age. They reported, “Poets and philosophers have always counseled people regarding the benefits of being […]
Gratitude and Interbeing
yada “A Chinese proverb says that those who drink the water must remember those who dug the well. Everything we do, every accomplishment we have, every milestone we pass has come in part because of the efforts of others. There are no self-made men or women. If we can remember that, we can be grateful. […]
The Bells of Mindfulness from Mother Earth
The polar ice caps are melting. BONG! The sea levels are rising. BONG! The deserts are expanding. BONG! The temperature is rising. BONG! Species are becoming extinct. BONG! Water sources are depleting. BONG! The rainforests are disappearing. BONG! These bells of mindfulness from Mother Earth are ringing over and over again. Are we listening to […]
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