These words of ancient wisdom for our times were offered centuries ago by Lao Tzu. He is the famous author of the Tao Te Ching, the Book of Changes. My copy of the Tao Te Ching dates back to 1969 or 1970. If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are […]
How to Recover from Distractions in Meditation
These words of wisdom from Sharon Salzberg (again) teach us how to recover from distractions in meditation. I like the way she tells us to begin anew, as if we are beginning to meditation again for the first time. So, beginning again: your attention will go somewhere eventually, one breath, two breaths, ten breaths later. […]
Two Versions of Mind Control
Today, I want to present two versions of mind control. The first version is mind control the point of view of a Zen Buddhist Nun, Kim Iryop. Kim is saying that when she can control her mind, she feels in charge. It is this mindset that can keep us comfortable, not matter what the situation. […]
The Search for Happiness
Matthieu Ricard has often been called “the happiest man in the world.” I tend to agree with this statement based on my limited encounters with the man through Tricycle, Buddhadharma, Shambhala Sun, and other articles; Ted Talks, Google Talks and other videos; audio recording and books. Whenever I see his name arise in an email […]
What is Your SoulPrint?
There’s nothing more beautiful, liberating and blissful than living true to your soul. It’s as though you have a spiritual guide with you at all times… helping you live your highest purpose. But how connected are you to your soul? What is your SoulPrint? Do you hear it clearly when it speaks to you? Are […]
The Nature of Religion
This quote from Karen Armstrong, a noted commentator on world religions, follows on the tail of the recent article, Joanna Macy Talks about The Kingdom of Shambhala. In that article, we learned that we must act as bhodhisattvas and take up the challenge of becoming a Shambhala warrior. Now, Karen Armstrong is telling us the […]
We are Here to Awaken from the Illusion of Our Separateness
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (affectionately known as Thay by his followers) says, “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” This quote appeared in a article by dharma teacher Wendy Johnson. She is the longest-running writer for Tricycle Magazine. Her articles on gardening appear each month and we have been […]
Joanna Macy Talks about The Kingdom of Shambhala
In this lovely video, Joanna Macy talks about The Kingdom of Shambhala as related to her by Choegyal Rinpoche from the Kalachakra Tantra. This talk was recorded at Spirit Rock Meditation Center on January 28, 2014. The teaching she is talking about is the emergence of the Kingdom of Shambhala. She talks about the Shambhala […]
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