Are you a reality architect? Do you create you own reality or do you allow the world to float by on its own? With the Silva Method, you can learn how to manifest in your life by watching this video . Saralee Gomez, Jose Silva’s granddaughter talks about her experience growing up with the Silva […]
Recipe For Life
In this video, scientists in Manchester, England have successfully created a building block of RNA in the laboratory. John Sutherland and his collaborators at the University of Manchester began to search for the recipe for life. They created conditions in their laboratory that mimicked the conditions of the early earth. Unlike other efforts of this […]
6 Steps To A Fuller Life
How can you live your life to the fullest? Do you want more money? Sex? Power? Spiritual attainment? Follow these 6 steps to a fuller life and you’ll never say, “I can’t do it” or “I’m not good enough!” These 6 steps to a fuller life came to me from Laura Silva, President of Silva […]
What Remains Of The Buddha’s Body?
In the PBS series, Secrets of the Dead, historian Charles Allen investigates what remains of the Buddha’s body in an episode named Bones of the Buddha. This very interesting story was encased in controversy since the discovery of a stupa in Piprahwa, Northern India. This happens to be located in the ancient land of the […]
Golden Light – Lux Aurumque
Lux Aurumque is a wonderful video of singers around the world conducted by Eric Whitacre. There are 185 voices from 12 countries. The music is awe-inspiring! Lama Surya Das wrote, Check out the power and blessings of voices raised together in spirit in this magnificent musical sangha effort, which uplifts and edifies the mind and […]
An American Hamburger With Indian Ketchup
I just saw the documentary film, One Track Heart: The Story of Krishna Das. There was a line in the movie that was so funny I had to use it as the title of this blog post. Someone in Denmark said of him, “He’s just and American hamburger with Indian ketchup!” This caught my attention […]
Mindfulness – The Movie With Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Mindfulness – The Movie with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) is in the final stages of production. The movie is the work of Larry Kasanoff, the producer of True Lies and Mortal Kombat and other violent films. After meeting Thay, Larry wanted to make a film about him and not make violent movies anymore. Other […]
Is Global Warming Real?
Is climate change real? Is global warming something that humans are responsible for? I keep asking myself these questions, especially when friends suggest that climate change is a scientific hoax. Last week, I watched an amazing film by photographer James Balog called, “Chasing Ice“. This is an effort by an artist to show the world that climate […]
A Short History of the Cosmos
Dr. Christopher D. Impey is the Distinguished Professor of Astronomy and the Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona. On February 4, 2013 Dr. Impey gave the Dean Lecture at the Morrison Planetarium in the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. You can find the recording of his lecture on […]
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