The Freshness of Life

These words of wisdom about the freshness of life by Uchiyama Kosho Roshi come to us from the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. My friend, Roshi Joan Halifax is the founder of Upaya and its abbess. I look forward to her emails weekly. Uchiyama Kosho Roshi lived between 1912 and 1988. He […]

Loving Kindness Meditation with Gil Fronsdal

It is with great pleasure that I present this Loving Kindness Meditation with Gil Fronsdal. The text is from his book, The Issue at Hand. The book is offered as a gift to the community. It is freely given and available online. I found this to be so instructive that I want to share this […]

The Leonard Koan

These words of wisdom from Leonard Cohen form what is called the Leonard Koan! Not much has to be said about the amazing singer musician Leonard Cohen. He is pretty famous in all circles. He is now turning 80 on September 21, 2014. Many people don’t know the other side of Leonard Cohen. He was […]

Aware of Suffering

Gil Fronsdal wrote the wonderful words of wisdom for us to be aware of suffering in Tricycle Magazine recently. He has been practicing in the Soto Zen and Vipassana traditions since 1985 and guides the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, California. I have read many of his articles and met him one day several […]