8 Ancient Beliefs

In a recent article in the Huffington Post, Alana Hall reported on 8 Ancient Beliefs Now Backed By Modern Science. These beliefs are embraced in Arianna Huffington’s new book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder, part of which is dedicated to scientific breakthroughs that often […]

5 Sutras Of Yogi Bhajan

The 5 Sutras of Yogi Bhajan are wisdom teachings for the Aquarian Age. They are to be  released over a period of five years from 2013 to 2017. I believe that they have been released before. As stated in a previous article, Gabrielle Bernstein Awakens Your Authentic Power, Yogi Bhajan was responsible for introducing Kundalini […]

Gabrielle Bernstein Awakens Your Authentic Power

In this video, Gabrielle Bernstein awakens your authentic power. This took place at the Mindvalley Awesomenes Fest. Gabrielle Bernstein is a renowned author, speaker, yogi, and self-proclaimed “spiritual junkie”, and her incredibly motivating presentation touches on key factors that contribute to true happiness, success, and abundance. Get ready for one of the most impactful, passion-fueled talks on […]