Archives for December 2023

Words of Wisdom for December 23, 2023

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for December 22, 2023

Dear Friends: “Wisdom doesn’t mean spiritual knowledge. Wisdom doesn’t mean words of wisdom. Wisdom means spiritual experience that is being expressed in one’s actions and living. A wise person is a person who knows how to live in the world and behave and act according to the knowledge that they actually have realized.” – A.H. […]

Words of Wisdom for December 21, 2023

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for December 20, 2023

Dear Friends: Love yourself enough to cultivate and nurture your little Buddha self within, your best self, true nature

Words of Wisdom for December 19, 2023

Dear Friends: “In our lifetime there is only one person we must encounter, one person we must meet as though we were passionately in love. That person is the essential Self, the true Self.” – Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Parallax Press Read More Mini Mindfulness Breaks Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and […]

Words of Wisdom for December 18, 2023

Dear Friends: Around us, there may be a lot of anger, bitterness, and resentment. If we don’t know how to go home to ourselves, to take care of ourselves, nourish ourselves, we will be overwhelmed by the collective energy of hate, anger, bitterness, and so on.So take care of yourself. It’s very important. And to […]

Words of Wisdom for December 15, 2023

Dear Friends: “Scientists have found evidence that those who cultivate love and compassion have greater peace of mind, while constant anger and fear make us uneasy and are bad for health. Common sense too tells us that people who are moved by love and compassion are peaceful and happy.” – Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the […]

Words of Wisdom for December 14, 2023

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for December 13, 2023

Dear Friends: Where there is great love there are always miracles. – Willa Cather Read More Mini Mindfulness Breaks Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and Guided Mediations! Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices: 9 Ways to Let Go of Your Past and Start Over – Purpose Fairy When life knocks […]

Words of Wisdom for December 12, 2023

Dear Friends: Come forth into the light of things,Let Nature be your teacher. – William Wordsworth, Daily Peace Quote Read More Mini Mindfulness Breaks Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and Guided Mediations! Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices: 15 Powerful Lessons for a Happy Marriage – Purpose Fairy 15 Powerful […]