Search Results for: aggression

Man is Not the Enemy

With lots of unrest in the world and in the United States about the inauguration we have to remember that man is not the enemy. So who or what is the enemy? I would say that greed, aggression and delusion are the enemy – the three poisons taught by the Buddha. For example, in Tanzania, […]

Reverence for Life

Reverence for Life is the first of the Five Mindfulness Trainings authored by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (known as “Thay” by his followers.) In the time of the Buddha it was known as the first precept and, in fact, at that time, all of the precepts were simple statements like, “Not to kill,” “Not […]

The Top Environmental Problems

This quote about the top environmental problems was shared to me by my daughter. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately in conjunction with my work with the Buddhist Climate Action Network and the Earth Holder Sangha. I’ve written about the retreat called The Bells of Mindfulness from Mother Earth led by dharma teachers […]

Great Compassion

yada The Mindlessness of Aggression In the eyes of Great Compassion, there is no separation between subject and object, no separate self. If a cruel and violent person disembowels you, you can smile and look at him with love. It is his upbringing, his situation, and his ignorance that cause him to act so mindlessly. […]

What the World Needs Now

What the world needs now is generosity instead of greed, kindness, gratitude and compassion instead of aggression, wisdom instead of delusion, and most of all, unconditional love instead of hatred. These were the conclusions we came to last night at our dharma discussion in the Mindfulness in Healing sangha. The discussion was sparked by the […]

Genes do not Necessarily Determine Behavior

In this quote from Richie Davidson, we learn that genes do not necessarily determine behavior. They are like a switch that can be turned on and off, depending on causes and conditions in our lives. “These were the first hints that our emotional and psychological fate does not lie solely within the twists of the […]

Spiritual Awakening

Last week, Pema Chodron began her 80th year and we wished her a Happy Continuation! She has been pursuing spiritual awakening for more than half of her life! Here is what she says about it: “Spiritual awakening is frequently described as a journey to the top of a mountain. We leave our attachments and our […]

Addicted to Ease and Comfort

On Sunday night, I attended Marin Sangha. The teacher was Lisa Dale Miller and her topic was addiction. She said that we live in a society addicted to ease and comfort. I couldn’t agree more. She also explained that what we commonly thing of addictions are usually the result of some childhood trauma. This also […]

Protecting Our Children

Dharma Talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh on August 7, 1998 in Plum Village, France. Protecting Our Children © Thich Nhat Hanh Good morning dear friends. Today is the 7th of August, 1998. We are in the New Hamlet, and today we are going to speak French. That’s good, isn’t it? You know well that […]

Mindfulness of Craving

Craving or desire, especially sensual desire, is the root of all suffering. Mindfulness of craving can help us reduce or eliminate desire and give us freedom. Now what do we desire? Sex and sensual pleasures? Money? Power? That beautiful woman or handsome man? That shiny car? The best meals? That beautiful beachfront home? Chocolate? All […]