The Connected Universe is a new movie by Malcom Carter. In this movie, we discover the science behind interbeing – the interconnectedness of all things in the Universe. In the trailer to the movie presented here, Malcom Carter says, “The connected universe is a fascinating journey of exploration into the interconnection of all things in […]
Sleeping is Good for Your Health
Last week, we learned that Napping is Good for Your Health. This week, we hear more from Sara Mednick who tells you that sleeping is good for your health. “Before Thomas Edison’s lightbulb, our great-grandparents would get as much as 10 hours’ rest during an average weeknight. Today, we’re lucky to get eight hours on […]
Is Thought Limited
In these words of wisdom from Jiddu Krishnamurti, he asks David Bohm, “Is thought limited.” Krishnamurti doesn’t think so, but apparently from the conversation, David Bohm does. Krishnamurti says, “Show it to me!” Jiddu Krishnamurti was one of the great philosophers and teachers of the last century. His talks and lecture were attended by people […]
Teachings on Interbeing with Carl Sagan
These teachings on interbeing with Carl Sagan may help us all recognize the interconnectedness of all life on earth. This beautiful video explores “the pale blue dot” that we live on and asks us to be kind to one another. He says, The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena…Our planet […]
A Song for the Winter Garden
[Editor’s note: John Snyder is another one of my dharma brothers in the Order of Interbeing (OI) of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. He posted this on our OI Yahoo group and gave me permission to publish it here. This poem teaches us how impermanence rules the winter and all of life. Enjoy!] A Song […]
Ignite Your Inner Voice
Here is a great motivation video to ignite your inner voice. There are scenes from the movies, Limitless, The Pursuit of Happiness, Invincible, and Neil Young The 60 Year Old Skateboarder to accompany the speeches that you will certainly recognize. This quote from Jim Carey may spark your interest to watch the whole video: In […]
More Teachings of the Buddha
Here are some more teachings of the Buddha from one of my favorites, Sharon Salzberg. These teachings are similar to ones that we have learned from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, dharma teacher, Glen Schneider, and the Order of Interbeing. Sharon invites us to contemplate the forces of greed, grasping, hatred, and delusion in our […]
An Experiment in Happiness
Sharon Salzberg is here again with words of wisdom about an experiment in happiness. She is talking about doing a retreat with the attitude of a scientist – just as an experiment. I think, in terms of a retreat, one of the best attitudes to have altogether is to see it as an experiment. You’re […]
Ambition and Spirituality
Ken Wilber teaches us how to reconcile ambition and spirituality in these words of wisdom in his essay on “Egolessness” from his book The Essential Ken Wilber: An Introductory Reader. I’ve been admiring his work for more than twenty years now and find his wisdom very palpable. I have listened to the audio recordings of […]
How Do We Make the New Future
Stephen Batchelor is one of my favorite Buddhist teachers. I like the way he presents “Buddhism without Beliefs.” I think he is now teaching at the Upaya Zen Center near Santa Fe, New Mexico. This quote is definitely in line with his stand on being a Buddhist atheist! He answers the question, how do we […]
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