Are You Conditioned?

yada Are you aware that you are conditioned? That is the first thing to ask yourself, not how to be free of your conditioning. You may never be free of it, and if you say, ‘I must be free of it’, you may fall into another trap of another form of conditioning. So are you […]

The Declaration Of Interdependence

We, the sentient beings of the third planet (earth) from the star commonly known as the “sun”, declare that all existence is in a state of interdependence. The state of interdependence is a state of interbeing, of interconnectedness. We recognize that people, animals, plants and minerals inter-are and share a single dwelling  place on planet earth. […]

Masterclass with Marisa Peer

The Masterclass with Marisa Peer on Instant Transformational Hypnotherapy starts now! Presented by Mindvalley. In 30 minutes, this class can give you the same mindset as the world’s happiest super-achievers and leave you feel totally inspired. This peerless Masterclass will cover the difference between the 1% she works with and the other 99% of the […]

Journey to Inner Peace: 5 Minute Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

This peaceful and calming 5 minute guided meditation will take you on a wonderful journey where you will learn let go of worry, fear, stress and anxiety. Source: Journey to Inner Peace: 5 Minute Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

Lissa Rankin on Impermanence

I just received this email from Lissa Rankin on impermanence. She talks about how resisting change as a cause for suffering. Resisting change is just like being hit with a second arrow, as the Buddha put it. He said that the first arrow is the one which causes an injury with its unavoidable pain and […]

Be Grateful: A Different Way of Looking at Gratitude – Purpose Fairy

Be grateful …thankful…feel blessed – this is the only way to manifest something new in life.Seems to be every one’s mantra these days. Source: Be Grateful: A Different Way of Looking at Gratitude – Purpose Fairy

The Rhythms of Life

According to Martha Beck, the rhythms of life can be described in two phases, “rest” and “play.” However, we often find ourselves unable to either rest well or play to our hearts’ content. This is because we spend a lot of our work time neither resting nor playing! We don’t enjoy our work, yet, when […]

Teachings on Interbeing

The teachings on interbeing (the interconnectedness of all things) have been seen on these pages for more than four years now, and a couple of recent documentaries made these teachings very to me. One of these documentaries is The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, which traces the flow of genes and the migration of […]

10 Things to Help You Sleep Better – Purpose Fairy

You will sleep better when you are not worrying. The most common complaint when people are trying to sleep is they say “I can’t slow down. Source: 10 Things to Help You Sleep Better – Purpose Fairy

Letters from Your Soul: On Feeling Worthy, and “Enough” – Purpose Fairy

Feeling worthy and “enough” is our birthright. It’s how we were born. It’s how we came into this physical world. And the Soul knows this to be true. Source: Letters from Your Soul: On Feeling Worthy, and “Enough” – Purpose Fairy