This guided meditation for loving kindness was created by Michael Sealey and is quite good for learning how to give and receive loving kindness, compassion, happiness, abundance and healing and eliminating stress and anxiety. Michael begins with a soothing body scan that takes about 7 minutes. Then he asks us to bring into mind an […]
Purpose Fairy
Purpose Fairy ’s mission is to inspire and empower people to become everything life created them to be. Nourish your Mind Body, and Soul with Purpose Fairy. Source: Purpose Fairy
Everything Happens by Itself
This lovely poem teaches us that Everything happens by itself. The poem is by Lama Gendun Rinpoche and it came in an email from Lama Surya Das. It reminds me of a song we sing at retreats and sangha gatherings called ” Make use of this spaciousness, this freedom and natural ease. Don’t search any […]
How to Practice Inclusiveness
Today’s lesson is on how to practice inclusiveness is also from the 21-day Happiness Challenge from Luminita Saviuc, also known as the Purpose Ferry. Our world today is filled with different groups, religions, races, people with a different sexual orientation, and many other categories that keep us separate. When we practice inclusiveness, we allow others […]
Can mindfulness assist in a structural transformation of society? – YouTube
Empty of What?
When Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh talks about the Buddhist concept of emptiness, he always asks the question, “Empty of what?” Much of the time the answer is “Empty of a separate existence.” This means that nothing exists in isolation without interaction with everything else. If something did, we would never be able to access […]
The Top Environmental Problems
This quote about the top environmental problems was shared to me by my daughter. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately in conjunction with my work with the Buddhist Climate Action Network and the Earth Holder Sangha. I’ve written about the retreat called The Bells of Mindfulness from Mother Earth led by dharma teachers […]
Finding the Inner Strength to Keep Going – Purpose Fairy
If you learn to look within for the strength, wisdom, courage and confidence to move past them, you will always find the inner strength to keep going Source: Finding the Inner Strength to Keep Going – Purpose Fairy
How to Practice Deep Listening
yada This is maybe the greatest gift we can give another human being—our undivided attention. To listen without judgment or agendas. The great psychologist Carl Rogers once described empathy as “looking with fresh and unfrightened eyes.” —Frank Ostaseski, “On What to Do When the Going Gets Rough“ yada
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