…And Justice for All

The pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America ends with the familiar word, “With liberty and justice for all.” In recent years we have become aware of many types of injustice – racial injustice, economic injustice, social injustice and climate injustice. Socially engaged Buddhists since the 1960’s have working in […]

The Insight of Interbeing

The insight of interbeing has played a major role in many of the articles on this site. The insight suggests that all conditioned things are interconnected in a web of causes and conditions that defy critical analysis. It relates to the insight that the earth and it’s inhabitants are all connected and indivisible component parts […]

Cheri Huber on Unconditional Love

These words of wisdom from Cheri Huber on unconditional love fit right in with the several other articles on unconditional love. She explains that we need to step out of our identification with our ego to care for, appreciate and enjoy the living forms that we love. This What we are is Life living. To […]

The Benefit of Meditation

Where do we look for the benefit of meditation? Is it in our ability to sit for hours at a time and not budge? Is it in our excellent record of retreat attendance? Is it in life itself? Sharon Salzberg tells us… “The place to look for the benefit of meditation is in your life, […]

How to Prepare for the Future

In these wonderful words of wisdom from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, we learn how to prepare for the future. When I first began writing these pages in 2012, several of the mentors I had would say, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” This was a really hard one from me as […]

We Are So Loved

We are so loved by the Universe and the wonders of life that we have everything we need to be happy right now in this very present moment. Here, Lissa Rankin, MD, teaches us some more factors of unconditional love. “One of my friends is in the midst of a dark night of the soul, […]

Mindful Attention

Mindful attention allows us to know and experience what is going on inside of us moment to moment. With mindful attention, we can be aware of what is going on in our body, our feelings, our emotions, and our thoughts. We can begin to make sense of them and recognize that they are always changing. […]

Another Take on Unconditional Love

This short song by Alanis Morissette gives us another take on unconditional love. The song is called, “You owe me nothing in return.” Happy Valentines Day! Alanis sings, I’ll give you countless amounts of outright acceptance if you want it. I will give you encouragement to choose the path that you want if you need […]

Are You Doing What You Want?

Are you doing what you want in your life? Are you listening to your inner pilot light – that ‘still, small voice’ inside of you? Do you even know what you really want to be doing? Each of these important questions could be used as a koan for your meditation practice right now. “We rarely […]

What the World Needs Now

What the world needs now is generosity instead of greed, kindness, gratitude and compassion instead of aggression, wisdom instead of delusion, and most of all, unconditional love instead of hatred. These were the conclusions we came to last night at our dharma discussion in the Mindfulness in Healing sangha. The discussion was sparked by the […]