Andrew Olendzki, Ph. D. is a Buddhist scholar, teacher, and one of my favorite writers. I read everything of his that appears in Buddhist magazines. In these words of wisdom from, he writes about listening closely to the music of your mind. In this way, we learn to see life just as it is, […]
Just Be Happy!
Here are two amazing quotes that tell us to just be happy! The first one if from Swami Satchidananda whose popularity among yoga students in the 1970’s was phenomenal. Seekers like Dr. Dean Ornish sought out this yogi above all others. He founded the world wide Integral Yoga Institute. I knew many of his followers […]
Pope Francis Delivered His Climate Response Encyclical
By the time you read this, the rest of the world will know that Pope Francis delivered his climate response encyclical today. With the Pope getting behind climate justice, we may see a broader movement to stop global warming. This video is so entertaining that Andrew Butler says, “What’s going on here is nothing short […]
A Gratitude Practice to Increase Happiness
Robert Emmons has been investigating the psychological effects gratitude on happiness. One of his studies utilized a gratitude practice to increase happiness and health. Emmons divided the participants into three groups. The group called the gratitude condition kept a weekly journal about five things they were grateful for. The group called the hassles condition wrote […]
Give Back to Your Community
One of the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing is to give back to your community when you are ready. This is important for two reasons. The first reason is that a gift of service to your community has the benefit of getting you out of yourself long enough to serve others. This releases tension […]
How to Recover from Failure
Dr. Alex Lickerman provides us with these words of wisdom today on how to recover from failure with determination. These are teachings from the Pure Land tradition of Nichiren Buddhism. This form of Japanese Buddhist practices focuses on the Lotus Sutra and relies on the Gohonzon – the chanting of Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. The […]
Should we be Afraid of Emptiness?
Should we be afraid of emptiness? If you think so, you may be incorrect. Just think about it. Pick up any piece of paper. It could be a newspaper or a piece of paper that you use to take notes on. What do you see in this piece of paper? Some people will say, “It […]
How to Find Inner Peace and Clarity
I am happy to present this guided meditation on how to find inner peace and clarity, written and read by Doreen Virtue. Doreen as a noted Hay House author and teacher. Her teachings call upon the help of your angels and universal archangels to help relieve your suffering. Sri Chinmoy says, “Listen to the inner […]
One Thing You Can Do About Mindful Consumption
Here is one thing you can do about mindful consumption: turn off your TV:)! Mindful consumption is the subject of the Fifth of the Five Mindfulness Trainings. It reads, Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I am committed to cultivate good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and my society by […]
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