The Importance of a Spiritual Friend

In these lovely words of wisdom, Thanissaro Bhikkhu talks about the importance of a spiritual friend. He is one of my favorite Buddhist teachers, authors and scholars from the west. He is also the abbot of Metta Forest Monastery, outside of San Diego. Whenever he has an article in Tricycle, Shambhala Sun, or Buddhadharma, I […]

Napping is Good for Your Health

I love napping, although I don’t do it everyday. I’ve known for a long time that napping is good for your health and now psychologist Sara Mednick has written a book about it. She is a professor of psychology at the University of California in Riverside. “Let’s look at the rest of the animal kingdom. […]

Is Thought Limited

In these words of wisdom from Jiddu Krishnamurti, he asks David Bohm, “Is thought limited.” Krishnamurti doesn’t think so, but apparently from the conversation, David Bohm does. Krishnamurti says, “Show it to me!” Jiddu Krishnamurti was one of the great philosophers and teachers of the last century. His talks and lecture were attended by people […]

Teachings on Interbeing with Carl Sagan

These teachings on interbeing with Carl Sagan may help us all recognize the interconnectedness of all life on earth. This beautiful video explores “the pale blue dot” that we live on and asks us to be kind to one another. He says, The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena…Our planet […]

Keep Chewing

Meditation practice is something that can be like tasting a bitter fruit. At first, it seems very bitter, but as long as you keep chewing, you’ll discover its sweetness. The same true for meditation. “When you are taking to meditation and beginning to change your habits, it sometimes looks as if you’re having a very […]

Be Nobody

Here is another poem from William Menza. He is a lay dharma teacher in the Plum Village tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Be Nobody Work to be nobody, But a humble unknown sage, Silently helping others, As best as you can. And like a bird Flying through the sky Leave no tracks, no […]

The Natural State of Things

Once again, we have words of wisdom from Lama Surya Das on the natural state of things. I find this quote to be very compelling. We are often taught that mindfulness is non-judgmental awareness of the present moment and to experience life just as it is, in the natural state of things. Dzogpa Chenpo is […]

Cultivating a Heart of Compassion

These words of wisdom from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh are about cultivating a heart of compassion. This is done by the practice of metta (loving kindness) meditation. We have seen many articles the speak to metta meditation. The approach in this article by Thay (as Thich Nhat Hanh is known to his followers) […]

Ignite Your Inner Voice

Here is a great motivation video to ignite your inner voice. There are scenes from the movies, Limitless, The Pursuit of Happiness, Invincible, and Neil Young The 60 Year Old Skateboarder to accompany the speeches that you will certainly recognize. This quote from Jim Carey may spark your interest to watch the whole video: In […]

More Teachings of the Buddha

Here are some more teachings of the Buddha from one of my favorites, Sharon Salzberg. These teachings are similar to ones that we have learned from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, dharma teacher, Glen Schneider, and the  Order of Interbeing. Sharon invites us to contemplate the forces of greed, grasping, hatred, and delusion in our […]