Your Secondary Brain

Scientists have known for a long time that your secondary brain is in your gut. This is the origin of the “gut feeling” that we sometimes get when we are about to do something or make an important decision. “The neurons in the gut are so innumerable that many scientists are now calling the totality […]

The Upside of Stress

Kelly McGonigal gave a talk on How to Turn Stress into an Advantage from her new book, The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It. The talk took place at the 2015 99U conference at Lincoln Center in New York City. In Kelly’s research, she learned […]

Do Not Feed Your Cancer!

In Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness: How to Thrive and Succeed in a Complex Cancer System, there is a small section on “The Cancer Diet.” The major point of that section is, “Do not feed your cancer!” What does this mean? Cancer thrives on sugar – almost any kind of sugar. Why do […]

Give Back

The seventh of the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness is to give back to your community when you are ready. Here is why. When you are battling cancer or other illnesses, the last thing on your mind is to give back to your community […]

Join Support Groups

The sixth of the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness is to reach out to others. An important component of reaching out to others is to join support groups. Here is why. Support groups are wonderful for your healing experience because you are able to […]

Reach Out to Others

The sixth of the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness is to reach out to others. Here is why. You cannot get through a cancer diagnosis without the help of family and friends. Other people are needed to support your healing and well being. Just […]

Create Your Own Medical Team

The fifth of the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness is to create your own medical team. Here is why. Your primary care doctor is wonderful for helping you out when you have a medical problem like a virus, cold, or infection. His recommendations in […]

Practice Daily Meditation

The fourth of the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness is to practice daily meditation. Here is why. Meditation strengthens the mind like exercise strengthens the body. With daily exercise, your muscles become toned and your body feels great. If you miss a day or […]

Make Health-Promoting Lifestyle Changes

The third of the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness is to make health-promoting lifestyle changes. Here is why. Long before my first diagnosis of muscle invasive bladder cancer in 1997, I learned that making health-promoting lifestyle changes was really important from Dr. Dean Ornish, […]

Investigate Alternatives

The second of the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness is to investigate alternatives. Here is why. When most people hear the words, “You’ve got cancer,” they follow the standard medical treatment of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and drugs. The exceptional people become their own advocates […]