These words of wisdom come from my dear friend Gabrielle Roth. She passed away on October 22, 2012 and she is sorely missed by many of my friends and me. You can read about her passing here: In Memory Of My Beloved Teacher, Gabrielle Roth.
Her son, Jonathan Horan, has taken over the Five Rhythms – her contribution to the dance community.
May I have the courage to live through all the things that my dance reveals to me. All the things I’ve pushed down inside that need to come up and out through me, so I can be an empty vessel of perfection, of love.
May I have the courage to get out of my way, to become all that I am, and to hook myself up with my deepest yearnings. To stand up for my truth. To break through my own walls of resistance.
May I have the courage to embrace my body while it’s still here. To express my heart. To allow it to be part of my body, part of my spontaneity, part of my expression.
May I have the courage to let my head go and trust that there is something guiding me. That there is some enormous amazing purpose to my existence. That I wasn’t thrown here as some accidental afterthought of some mean cowboy.
May I have the courage to stand with my own story, what ever it is and was. To know that I and only I have the power to erase it and to move beyond it confines, however good, or bad, or weird, or twisted, or wondrous they may have been. They were and I am.
May I have the courage to witness another, to encourage, to celebrate, to support, to catalyze their growth, to be committed to the poetry of their existence.
May I have the courage to be myself. To be real. And may I please have the courage to stand up for those who can not stand up for themselves.”
– Gabrielle Roth
Courage was taught to be the “virtue” of Enneagram Point 6 – The Trooper. This is because the passion of the 6 is fear – false evidence appearing real. The virtue of an enneagram point is the antidote for the passion. By becoming courageous, fear is abated.
When the enneagram was first taught by Oscar Ichazo, and later by Claudio Naranjo, people were identified by their fixation and their passion. The fixation is the main way in which a person’s ego becomes fixated within the psyche at an early age in life. The person, consciously or unconsciously, becomes preoccupied with the fixation.
At the emotional level, the fixation manifests itself as the passion. So, for example, the 6 was characterized as fixated on cowardice – ego-cow, as Oscar taught.
Gabrielle and I talked many times about the enneagram. At that time, in 1975 and 1976, the enneagram of personality was unknown to me. All I knew was that I was a fear type and ego-cow!
The meaning of this poem by Gabrielle makes it clear that she, too was concerned with fear, but I don’t think she was as 6. Courage is an issue that we all have to deal with.
Right now, my main issue with the remnant fear in my life is to have the courage to publicize the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing so that many people will learn to take charge of their own healing experience, and not be totally subjected to our defunct medical system. I want to get these principles in front of Oprah Winfrey on her OWN TV show, Super Soul Sunday. I want the book to be in the library of every hospital in the world. I want people to rely on their own inner nature to progress in their healing.
Is there anything you can do to help me spread the word about the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing? Please help if you can.
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Sweat Your Prayersby In Sweat Your Prayers, internationally acclaimed movement and theater artist Gabrielle Roth translates to the printed page the insights of her nearly forty years of teaching personal and spiritual development. Her workshops, attended by thousands around the world, teach us to realize our… [Read More…]
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