Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, known as Thay by his followers, was interviewed by Jo Confino, and executive editor of the Guardian on December 22, 2011 in Plum Village, Dordogne, France. The interviewer asked, “One of the things that you said in your talk is that the Earth, planet Earth, Mother Earth is not the same […]
The Five Remembrances
The Five Remembrances help us to embrace the realities of life. We all will grow old, get sick, and die. There is no escape. When we contemplate them daily, we get a perspective on life that is skillful and wholesome. Many versions exist. This version is from the Plum Village Chanting Book by Zen Master […]
Planting The Seeds Of Mindfulness
Planting the seeds of mindfulness in children of all ages from 2-102 is an expressed wish of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (known as Thay by his followers). For example, he has been teaching pebble meditation for as long as I’ve known him. The video below is a preview of Planting Seeds: The Power of Mindfulness based […]
The Kingdom Of God – A New Interpretation
Many of us have heard the saying of Jesus in the bible, “The Kingdom of God is at hand!” What does this mean? Research into the subject produced only conflicting and contradictory ideas. It seems that Christian scholars don’t know what it is. Perhaps they actually do and desire to keep it a secret from us. Perhaps […]
Mindful Eating Helps Lose Weight
A recent article on the Science Daily website indicated that mindful eating helps lose weight. A study at the Ohio State University showed that “mindful eating equals traditional education in lowering weight and blood sugar” for diabetes patients. The report states, Eating mindfully, or consuming food in response to physical cues of hunger and fullness, […]
A Wisdom Moment With Thich Nhat Hanh
The video in this post is exceptionally beautiful. It features original music composed by the Emmy award-winning composer, Gary Mankin. The images are the original compositions of David Fortney, an internationally acclaimed director, cinematographer and editor. This images are some of the most beautiful ones that I have yet reported on. The message of the video […]
Thich Nhat Hanh Chants On The Path To Well-Being
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is probably the best known teacher of Buddhism other than the Dalai Lama. He is the author of many books. At 86, he is still leading retreats for monks, nuns lay men and lay women. In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. Thay, as […]
Mindfulness Of Breathing And Walking
In June of this year, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (known as Thay by his followers) opened the 21 day retreat, The Science of the Buddha, with the dharma talk in this video. The talk was given on June 2 in Lower Hamlet in Plum Village. In the opening segment, Thay talked about how suffering and happiness […]
Mother Earth Is Inside Of Us
This quote is a transcription of the first part of a dharma talk by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (know as Thay by his followers). The talk took place in Lower Hamlet, Plum Village, France on November 29, 2012. The title of the talk is “A New Teaching on the Twelve Nidanas.” The nidanas are the 12 teachings of […]
The Neuroscience Of Meditation
My dharma brother, Paul Tingen, recently published an article on the Mindfulness Bell website. The title of the article is “Using Mindfulness to Rewire the Brain: How the Insights of Neuroscience Can Aid Our Practice.” It explains Paul’s view on the neuroscience of meditation. By dharma brother, I mean that both Paul and I are members of the […]