Resources for BCAN

These resources are for the 2022 BCAN summit meeting attendees to provide information that was offered in a concise and convenient place for future reference. Most of the major ideas from the presentation on Mindfulness In Healing are right in this article with links and referrals to other documents and teachings. These are provided as […]

We Cannot Escape Impermanence

One of the so-called “remembrances” contains the statement, “We cannot escape impermanence.” This is recited daily in monasteries around the world. This article is about the advice that I recently gave to a colleague when she was troubled with the law of change. Consider this wisdom teaching from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh from my […]

The 3 I’s

One of my main meditation practices of the day is to identify the “3 I’s” and what they continue to teach me. Read this article and see if it makes sense to you. Then you can begin to practice the  “3 I’s”. Before we go into this, let me describe the practice that brings me […]

Only YOU Can Prevent World War III

As we begin the new year, I want to remind the world that only YOU can prevent World War III. I say this because most of the world is fast asleep when it comes to issues like climate change, poverty, homelessness, inequality, racism and discrimination of all kinds. The US isn’t the only place were […]

More Buddhist Jokes

Some weeks ago, I posted seven Buddhist Jokes That Will Brighten Your Day and today I’m posting six more Buddhist jokes. I am also reminding you about the special offer of a PDF of my new book, Mindfulness Breaks: Your Path to Awakening for only $9.97! 8. How many Zen Buddhists does it take to […]

Mindfulness Breaks: Your Path to Awakening

Authored by Jerome Freedman, Ph. D. Download PDF Buy Book Mindfulness Breaks: Your Path to Awakening reveals the power of your mind to experience inner peace and happiness. It combines the wisdom teachings of the American master, Father Eli with those of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. This book is the result of more than […]