How to Free Ourselves of Negative Thoughts

This video from Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey featuring Michael Singer teaches us how to free ourselves of negative thoughts. Michael says, “To attain true inner freedom, you must be able to objectively watch your problems instead of being lost in them… Once you’ve made the commitment to free yourself of the scared person […]

May I Have the Courage

These words of wisdom come from my dear friend Gabrielle Roth. She passed away on October 22, 2012 and she is sorely missed by many of my friends and me. You can read about her passing here: In Memory Of My Beloved Teacher, Gabrielle Roth. Her son, Jonathan Horan, has taken over the Five Rhythms […]

Ceremony and Ritual Creates Mindfulness

In this video from Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey interviews Mariel Hemingway and her soul mate, Bobby Williams. They are discussing their new book, Running with Nature: Stepping Into the Life You Were Meant to Live. Mariel, says, “I think ceremony and ritual creates mindfulness.” I’m all in favor of anything that creates mindfulness! She […]

6 Types of People You Should Avoid Confiding In

The video is from Super Soul Sunday founded by Oprah Winfrey on OWN TV. She interviews Dr. Brené Brown on 6 types of people you should avoid confiding in. The six types of people you should avoid telling your shame story are taken from Dr. Brown’s new book, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of […]

Many Hands Make Light Work

“Many hands make light work” are words of wisdom which I first heard Father Eli say more than 40 years ago. I saw examples of this last night watching the movie, “The Butler” with Forest Whitaker in the starring role as Cecil Gaines along with Oprah Winfrey as his wife Gloria. The story is about […]

CEO Meditators: Oprah and Others

Meditation practices are really going mainstream right now. Just look at what these CEO meditators have to say. They come from different industries and different backgrounds and they all use meditation practices. Many of them practice Transcendental Meditation. The article states: We’ve compiled a list of leaders who say that meditating gives them an edge […]

Tea Meditation with Thich Nhat Hanh and Oprah

Once again Oprah interviewed Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) today. This time it was on her OWN TV network on the program called “Super Soul Sunday.” The program was divided into many segments. The first segment was about Thay becoming a monk. Thay spoke about his early memories and wanting to become a monk. […]