Search Results for: global warming

Taking Action on Global Warming

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, known as Thay by his followers, has been an activist more than sixty years and he has been talking about taking action on global warming and climate change for as long as I can remember. As early as 1985, I heard him say, “If the West stops drinking alcohol by […]

Global Warming Is Still Happening

My dharma brother and fellow OI1 member, George Hoguet posted a link to a very technical article about global warming which is still happening and even at a faster rate than anticipated by the latest scientific assessment. The NASA study  reveals that “…Climate Sensitivity Is High So ‘Long-Term Warming Likely To Be Significant.’” [Read More…] […]

Global Warming Is Rapidly Accelerating | Eric Zuesse

Global Warming Is Rapidly Accelerating | Eric Zuesse.

Is Global Warming Real?

Is climate change real? Is global warming something that humans are responsible for? I keep asking myself these questions, especially when friends suggest that climate change is a scientific hoax. Last week, I watched an amazing film by photographer James Balog called, “Chasing Ice“. This is an effort by an artist to show the world that climate […]

Three Numbers You Should Know About Global Warming

In my recent article, Mindful Consumption Can Save Mother Earth, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh called our attention to the extent of damage to global warming and water pollution caused by livestock and the political, social, and economic environment around it. Drawing on this article I would like to add that at each monastery founded by Thich Nhat […]

The Global Power Shift Is Coming

This message came to me from I first reported on their work in Three Numbers You Should Know About Global Warming at the end of April. I have been following them ever since. I want to share the full text of the message with you because I found the video so moving. I hope […]

Daraja – the Bridge to Reducing Climate Change

Tuesday night I witnessed something very moving that has a great effect on reversing climate change. As I reported before, Paul Hawken’s book, Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming, reports that the sixth and seventh most promising solutions to climate change are respectively, Educating Women and Family Planning. Together, these […]

Bhikkhu Bodhi

yada “In this present age, so full of danger and confusion, spirituality and social engagement cannot remain separate domains each sealed off by rigid boundaries. The major social upheavals of our age-global warming, widespread poverty, war, ethnic conflicts, the violation of human rights, the cruel treatment of animals- all stem from a deep crisis at […]

The Three Poisons

The three poisons or the three roots (of suffering) were the subject of Brother Phap Vu‘s dharma talk on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at the Earth Holder Retreat in the Deer Park Monastery. The three poisons are variously translated as shown in the following table (reading down) desire greed attraction hatred ill-will aversion ignorance illusion […]

The Paris Agreement…

The Paris agreement on climate change has produced a few results – some remarkable and some not so great. Scientists and climate action groups such as the Buddhist Climate Action Network (BCAN) and Earth Holding Sangha have been pushing for no more than a 1.5° centigrade increase over the pre-industrial levels. The agreement stated, “Holding […]