Joy is Great for Your Happiness

Did you know that joy is great for your happiness and health? That’s right! According to Dr. Lissa Rankin, MD in her book, Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself, people who experience a lot of joy in their lives tend to be happier, live longer, and be in better health than […]

Forgiveness Training with Jack Kornfield

Happy New Year! Since this is the last day of the year, it is a great time to think about forgiveness so we can enter the new year with joy and happiness. The subject of this video is a forgiveness training with Jack Kornfield. It was presented at the Greater Good Science Center in Berkeley, […]

Let Go of Scarcity and Fear by Cultivating Joy and Gratitude

In this video, we learn to let go of scarcity and fear by cultivating joy and gratitude. It is another segment from Super Soul Sunday in which Oprah Winfrey interviews Dr. Brené Brown. Dr. Brown says, “When we lose our tolerance to be vulnerable, joy becomes foreboding, and so what we do in moments of […]

Service is Joy

Happy Mother’s Day Today’s words of wisdom come from Rabindranath Tagore. They show the meaning of service and how service affects joy. Most of us have probably had experiences like the one he describes. How many times have you helped other people and experienced service is joy? How many time did you stomp through the […]

Pharrell Williams Is Happy

I love this video. Pharrell Williams is Happy! Everyone is happy. People are jumping up and down with joy and  happiness. We all should be doing so. Why, you may ask? Because life exists only the present moment and we have everything we need to be happy. Just look around you. We are the gift […]

Joy, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Interbeing

Today is the shortest day of the year. We are celebrating the Winter Solstice with this lovely prose poem by Jen Louden. It touched me in places that inspire me to tune into my true nature and be my best self. I first heard of Jen through her Shero’s School For Revolutionaries, which was an […]

How To Find Joy And Happiness

This video shows us how to find joy and happiness in these words of wisdom. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says, “There is a little difference between joy and happiness. In joy there is still some excitement. But in happiness you are calmer.” He tells a story which illustrates the difference between joy and happiness. […]

Planting Seeds Of Compassion

On Monday, I posted the Words of Wisdom chosen by Lama Surya Das in an article titled Acceptance, Joy, Peace And Love. The quote in that article was from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, affectionately known as Thay by his followers. This quote is also from Thay and it came to me Wednesday morning from […]

Acceptance, Joy, Peace And Love

Dear Friends: This post is the 500th post on Meditation Practices For Healing and Well-Being! Thank your for your continued support. Jerome This week’s Words of Wisdom chosen by Lama Surya Das were spoken by my teacher, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Thay, as he is affectionately called by his followers, is constantly talking about being […]

Joy Is The Source Of Your Smile

  Sometimes  your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. – Thich Nhat Hanh