Looking Beyond Labels – Purpose Fairy

People aren’t meant to be labeled, they are meant to be loved, since deep down inside, the nature we all share is love, light and happiness. Source: Looking Beyond Labels – Purpose Fairy

Science and Buddhist Thought

yada Buddhist Science Buddhist science is not just an intellectual pursuit for the sake of unraveling the mystery of nature, but it also has a therapeutic aspect that gets to the very basic cause of suffering. In this context, a rigorous pursuit of science is not to hold a blind belief in anything but to […]

Get Interested in People -day 17

yada “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” ~ Dale Carnegie REMINDER: Today’s happiness theme is “get interested in people.” When talking to someone, do you listen with the intent to understand and […]

Radical Remission and the 7 Strategies to Help YOU Survive

In this article, I show how Radical Remission and the 7 Strategies to Help YOU Survive flow together and provide two points of view about better health, healing and happiness (the 3 H’s)! I’m presenting these here in order to inspire you to sign up for Dr. Kelly Turner’s new course, RADICAL REMISSION: Applying the […]

practicing random acts of kindness

yada REMINDER: Today’s happiness theme is about the power of “practicing random acts of kindness.” Being kind to those around us is a great way to get in touch with the love that flows through us. A great way to connect with the truth of who we are, and the truth of who everyone else […]

The Right Kind of Desire

yada “The desire to make our mark, to do great work, and to create like a god are immodesties that are nothing to fear. Desire and creativity are intimately related, and the most creative person is also the person who longs for it the most and chases after it the most. Do you want to […]

The Baby Buddha

yada The Baby Buddha in You “The baby Buddha has the capacity to understand, and to love, and to be peaceful. That capacity will grow together with the Buddha. You can help the baby Buddha in yourself grow by learning to understand and to love. The practices of learning to listen deeply and speaking with […]

Radical Remission Course

I am very excited to tell you about Dr. Kelly Turner’s new course, RADICAL REMISSION: Applying the 9 Healing Factors Into Your Own Life. This is the same course she teaches in her workshops and it will be available for purchase online on Friday, March 18. As you may know, Dr. Turner gave my new […]

Lifetime Learning

yada “The need for lifelong learning is underscored in the Buddhist principle of impermanence–that all things are changing all the time. What we learned in our youth requires ongoing refreshment, addition, and refinement if we are to engage actively and intelligently in the affairs of our times. Extensive testimony reflects an enrichment of life through […]

Do Something You’ve Never Done -day 15

yada “If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good.” ~ Dr. Seuss REMINDER: Today’s happiness theme is on “doing something you’ve never done.” It was the spring of 2012. My blog post 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy was being shared all over the Internet like […]