The Metta Sutra

The Metta Sutra offers the Buddha’s teachings on loving kindness. This is one of the fundamental practices for Buddhists in general and me in particular. During my meditation practice, I offer loving kindness blessings first to myself, then to my wife, children and their significant others, then to the people I know who are suffering, […]

Mindful Attention

Mindful attention allows us to know and experience what is going on inside of us moment to moment. With mindful attention, we can be aware of what is going on in our body, our feelings, our emotions, and our thoughts. We can begin to make sense of them and recognize that they are always changing. […]

3 Questions to Help You Bounce Back from Adversity – Purpose Fairy

I bounce back from failures by asking myself these 3 questions: where did things go wrong? What can I do better next time? What went well? Source: 3 Questions to Help You Bounce Back from Adversity – Purpose Fairy

Another Take on Unconditional Love

This short song by Alanis Morissette gives us another take on unconditional love. The song is called, “You owe me nothing in return.” Happy Valentines Day! Alanis sings, I’ll give you countless amounts of outright acceptance if you want it. I will give you encouragement to choose the path that you want if you need […]

Inner and Outer Purpose

Yesterday, we learned a lot about volition and what we want to do in our lives – our inner and outer purpose. Mostly, as spiritual seekers, our inner and outer purpose may not be that obvious to us. Eckart Tolle tells us what Einstein wanted to accomplish and tells us why we are confused: “I […]

Are You Doing What You Want?

Are you doing what you want in your life? Are you listening to your inner pilot light – that ‘still, small voice’ inside of you? Do you even know what you really want to be doing? Each of these important questions could be used as a koan for your meditation practice right now. “We rarely […]

What the World Needs Now

What the world needs now is generosity instead of greed, kindness, gratitude and compassion instead of aggression, wisdom instead of delusion, and most of all, unconditional love instead of hatred. These were the conclusions we came to last night at our dharma discussion in the Mindfulness in Healing sangha. The discussion was sparked by the […]

Because the Purpose of Life Is to Help Others – Purpose Fairy

Our prime purpose in life is to help others, to enrich each other’s lives – by being good, by being kind.  Source: Because the Purpose of Life Is to Help Others – Purpose Fairy

Being Aware

The purpose of all meditation practices is being aware of just what is going on in the present moment and paying attention in a particular way. Many practices have been developed that aid us in being aware of our body, our breath, our physical sensations, our emotions, the space that we occupy, the time of […]

Unconditional Love

One of the members of the Mindfulness in Healing sangha has spoken a lot about unconditional love, often in connection with Theta Healing. In the context of Theta Healing, it refers to the unconditional love of the Creator of All That Is, call it God, Buddha, Christ, the whole universe, the present moment, the wonders […]