15 Things To Quit Doing To Gain One Priceless Thing—Happiness – Life Reimagined

A victim of abuse turns the tables on her awful past, finding how to love life again. Source: 15 Things To Quit Doing To Gain One Priceless Thing—Happiness – Life Reimagined

In The Universe Moment – YouTube

What are Your Options?

The second principle of mindfulness in healing and living attempts to answer the question, “What are your options?” In Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness, I call this investigate alternatives. Whether you are embarking on a new career, creating a job for yourself in your own business, planning a wedding, or seeking treatment for […]

Loyalty and Devotion: The Way to Show True Love – Purpose Fairy

“Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.” Source: Loyalty and Devotion: The Way to Show True Love – Purpose Fairy

Be Your Own Advocate for Life

The first principle of mindfulness in healing is to be your own advocate for life and health! What does it mean to be your own advocate in the context of living in a fast-paced society with many social, economic, energetic, and environmental crisis? In the first place, it means to stand up for yourself so […]

How to Feed Cancer

I’m sure you don’t want to know how to feed cancer, but you are probably already doing so, without knowing it. Why do I say this? Because most people eat about 150 pounds of sugar every year without paying any heed to the well-known fact that cancer feeds on sugar! So many food substances have […]

15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Jim Carrey – Purpose Fairy

Jim Carrey has gained a lot of wisdom over the years, and a deeper understanding on how life works. And today I will share with you some of his most inspiring quotes compiled 15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Jim Carrey. Source: 15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Jim Carrey – Purpose Fairy

4 Non-Medical Practices to Help Cancer Patients Feel Better

Editor’s Note: These 4 non-medical practices to help cancer patients feel better were offered by Patricia Sarmiento (see below). Worldwide, each year 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer. With more than 100 types of cancer in existence, it’s a disease that is so far-reaching that almost all of us have been touched by it […]

How to Tap into Your Inner Pilot Light

If you have been following Lissa Rankin, MD and know how to tap into your inner pilot light, you can skip this article. It is based on an email I received from her last Thursday which contained 30 suggestions on how to tap into your inner pilot light. I’m just going to list them here […]

Bounce Back Big in 2016

These words of wisdom from Sonia Ricotti can be found in her eBook, Bounce Back BIG in 2016. Surrender to “what is” Recreate your reality Listen to the whispers To surrender to “what is” takes you to a place where you can contemplate how you got there and what you can do about it. We […]