The most recent advance praise for Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness states, “Cancer is like enlightenment at gunpoint.” The author of this praise is the 95 year old world renowned dancer, performer, and teacher, Anna Halprin and a great friend of mine. I am a cancer survivor, so what I have to share […]
The Wisdom of Self-Compassion
The wisdom of self-compassion is one of the most vibrant teachings of our times. We may find it quite easy to be compassionate with other people when they hurt themselves or feel sad or lonely. When it comes to compassion in own life, we often fail to grasp the concept and fail to believe the […]
7 Authentic Gifts to Give Yourself this Holiday Season – Purpose Fairy
7 Authentic Gifts to Give Yourself this Holiday Season. “Black Friday” is now over…and so it is that stressful holiday season begins! We move through the motions, we shop, we wonder if we got the right presents, we worry about family dynamics, and before we know it the magic we once saw has been completely […]
Being and Non-Being
We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move. We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want. We hammer wood for a house, but it is the inner space that makes it livable. We work with being, […]
Love Is All Around
During the Holiday Season and the time of the Winter Solstice, we need to be assured that love is all around. Take a look at the couple in the photograph below. Love is all around them as the look out across San Francisco Bay on a beautiful October evening, being aware of only each other, […]
Watering the Seeds of Loving Kindness
Watering the Seedlings of Intention Metta practice is the cultivation of our capacity for lovingkindness. It does not involve either positive thinking or the imposition of an artificial positive attitude. . . . Rather, we meditate on our good intentions, however weak or strong they may be, and water the seeds of these intentions. —Barry […]
Change what We Can
Both Marty Rossman in his book, The Worry Solution and Lissa Rankin in her Daily Flame for your inner pilot light teach us to change what we can and not worry about things we cannot change. Lissa writes, Dear Jerome, The world is full of people trying to change the things they can’t, and not […]
How to Plan a Meditation Retreat – Purpose Fairy
How to Plan a Meditation Retreat. “Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.” ~ Marcus Aurelius Source: How to Plan a Meditation Retreat – Purpose Fairy
21 Things Every Parent Should Know – Purpose Fairy
21 Things Every Parent Should Know. Throughout your parenting journey, you learn a lot. You learn things that benefit you, your children, but also the world around you. Source: 21 Things Every Parent Should Know – Purpose Fairy
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