Mindfulness Breaks™ in Your Home

In my last article, I introduced the concept of a Mindfulness Break™. Now I want to tell you about Mindfulness Breaks in your home or workplace. A Mindfulness Break in your home or workplace is guided meditation experience in which I train you to be mindful in such a way that you can do it […]

What is a Mindfulness Break™?

If you have every worked for an employer, you probably had a lunch break. If you are a coffee drinker, you are accustomed to taking a coffee break. And if you are still addicted to smoking, you probably take a cigarette break once in a while at work. So, what if you could take a […]

How to Use Mindfulness to Share Your Inner Greatness — Purpose Fairy

We must learn to spend more time internalizing these wonderful life experiences so we know exactly how to share our inner greatness with the world. Source: How to Use Mindfulness to Share Your Inner Greatness — Purpose Fairy

The Truth About Vaccines

Last Friday, I heard a terrible story which reveals the truth about vaccines. A little five-year-old girl was required to be vaccinated with a series of five injections a few weeks ago. Her mother really didn’t want her to be vaccinated at all, but was forced to have them in order for her child to […]

The Joy of Love

Have you ever experienced the joy of love? “Projecting love brings joy.” Yes. When we consider those expressions such as “what we practice is what we have” or “what we do is what we get” or “the quality of our life is determined by the focus of our attention,” we sense the “how” of that. […]

Bhikkhu Bodhi

yada “In this present age, so full of danger and confusion, spirituality and social engagement cannot remain separate domains each sealed off by rigid boundaries. The major social upheavals of our age-global warming, widespread poverty, war, ethnic conflicts, the violation of human rights, the cruel treatment of animals- all stem from a deep crisis at […]

Who You Are Is Enough, No Matter What Anyone Else Says – Purpose Fairy

Whether we like to admit it or not, most of us have this toxic belief about us not being enough – good enough, worthy enough, smart enough, rich enough Source: Who You Are Is Enough, No Matter What Anyone Else Says – Purpose Fairy

Trust and Friendship

yada “Much depends on your attitude. If you are filled with negative judgment and anger, then you will feel separate from other people. You will feel lonely. But if you have an open heart and are filled with trust and friendship, even if you are physically alone, even living a hermit’s life, you will never […]

A Letter to Humanity – Purpose Fairy

This is a Letter to Humanity, and Humanity is all of us – you, me, she, he, we… We are Humanity, and if one of us is in darkness, we all are. Source: A Letter to Humanity – Purpose Fairy

Can We Learn to Laugh at Ourselves?

Can we learn to laugh at ourselves for the situation we’ve created in the United States now with money being more important than people, nature or life on earth? Can we learn to laugh at ourselves for destroying the only planet that we know of that can support life as we know it? Isn’t it […]