Here are some more Weekly Words of Wisdom form Lama Surya Das. These come from the renowned spiritual leader, Dr. Jean Houston. She was also a participant in the Sounds True and Dr. Rick Hanson’s presentation of The Compassionate Brain. Her topic was Compassion in the Wider World and she said some amazing things. “Let […]
The Better World
This quote came to me on Christmas morning from Roshi Joan Halifax. If we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective. —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. […]
Mother Earth Is Inside Of Us
This quote is a transcription of the first part of a dharma talk by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (know as Thay by his followers). The talk took place in Lower Hamlet, Plum Village, France on November 29, 2012. The title of the talk is “A New Teaching on the Twelve Nidanas.” The nidanas are the 12 teachings of […]
Everything Is Workable And Lovable
Here is yet another selection of Words of Wisdom chosen by Lama Surya Das. This quote is from Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche who I met in 1971. Who knew he would become such a driving force in bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the west. You can almost fall in love with the universe, with the general situation. At […]
True Giving
I received this quote from Roshi Joan Halifax. She is the abbot of the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, NM. She sent this to me as part of her holiday greetings. True giving is not an economic exchange; it is a generative act. It does not subtract from what we have; it multiples the […]
The Dalai Lama On Moral Ethics
Here is another awesome selection of Words of Wisdom chosen by Lama Surya Das. “The practice of moral ethics should be entirely voluntary and implemented on a personal level. I often tell Buddhists, when I’m teaching, unless you practice with sincerity, there is a risk of religion becoming a cover for hypocrisy. There are people who pay […]
Why Does Sit Happen?
At a gathering of some of Kobun Chino Roshi’s long-term students in Santa Cruz, CA, shortly before Kobun’s death, a student asked, “Kobun, why do we sit (meditate)?” He replied: “We sit to make life meaningful. The significance of our life is not experienced in striving to create some perfect thing. We must simply start […]
Milarepa, Tibet’s Greatest Yogi and Poet
When I am in retreat in my mountain cave, in the high Himalayan wilderness above the snowline, clad only in pure white Indian cotton robes and samaya vows, warm with the heat of samadhi, My Father-guru Marpa the Translator and all the root and lineage gurus, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are with me. In spiritual practice […]
Three Frames Of Insight From Zen Master Albert Einstein!
I bet you didn’t know that Albert Einstein was a Zen Master! How did I come to this conclusion? Buddhists talk about two broad types of meditation: samatha (calming) and vipassana (insight). One develops samatha and that leads to vipassana. The insights in these frames can be the results of insight meditation. They came naturally […]
Quote From Gandhi
I have always been touched by this quote from Gandhi. The wisdom of my forefathers was, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!” You’ve probably heard that before. Gandhi’s version makes more sense to me. What do you think?
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