Unconditional Love

This article on unconditional love is based on a talk I gave to the Mindfulness In Healing Sangha on June 8, 2022. It was inspired by two people, Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen and Anita Moorjani, author of Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing. These days, we are […]

Gratitude Prompts

In all of my teachings and learnings, one of the most important in my current life has been the practice of gratitude. Every night for so many years I have been recognizing at least three things I am grateful for each day. More often than not, there are many more than three things. For example, […]

The Importance of Gratitude

If you have been following this blog for very long, you know that one of the main teachings here is the importance of gratitude. You may recall that as my children were growing up, my wife used to say to them when they wanted something they couldn’t or shouldn’t have, “To desire what you don’t […]

The Importance of Love

The following invocation is an expression of the importance love and gratitude. We chant this at the beginning of our Mindfulness In Healing meditation group on Wednesday evenings: This life is the gift of the whole universe: the earth, the sky, and many generations. May be live in mindfulness in order to enjoy the wonders […]