Cancer Healing and Prevention Series

The most important docuseries for cancer healing and prevention returns this week. While you are watching this series, I’ll be at the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network convention in Houston working on peer-to-peer advocacy. I have already completed a course on Patient Empowerment through Engagement Research (PEER) Advocate Training as well as a course on clinical […]

Healing Cancer with the Truth

Healing cancer with the truth about cancer is your best bet if you have cancer or know someone who does. In my book, Healing Cancer with Your Mind: 7 Strategies to Help YOU Survive, I offered these basic strategies: Get inspired to take charge of your medical treatment, be involved with and be truthfully informed […]

The Truth About Cancer Encore

As you may know by now, I’ve had bladder cancer since 1997 and I still have all my body parts! The Truth About Cancer video series helped me tremendously and I purchased the series two years ago. Please join me in watching the repeat performance! The Truth About Cancer team interviewed over 100 of the […]

The Importance of Gratitude

If you have been following this blog for very long, you know that one of the main teachings here is the importance of gratitude. You may recall that as my children were growing up, my wife used to say to them when they wanted something they couldn’t or shouldn’t have, “To desire what you don’t […]