Do you have cancer or do you know someone who has cancer? Do you know someone who has died primarily because of cancer? In my family, cancer is rampant. My sister had leukemia and died at the age of 27. She left behind a husband and two young boys. Fortunately for the boys, her husband […]
Self Healing With Dr. Lissa Rankin
December 9, 2013 by Jerome Freedman

An upcoming National Public Television special on self healing with Dr. Lissa Rankin is going to be aired this week in various places around the country. She offers scientific proof that you can heal yourself. Her talk is called Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine. Mind Over Medicine is the title of her new book that […]
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Filed Under: Health and Healing, Mindfulness, Research, Video Tagged With: Bernie Siegel, cancer, Christine Northrup, collaborative medicine, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Larry Dossey, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Dr. Martin Rossman, Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine, health care system, Larry Dossey, Lissa Rankin, Marty Rossman, mind body medicine, Mind Over Medicine, Mind Stories Helped Cure Cancer, O magazine, placebo effect, relaxation response, Self Healing With Dr. Lissa Rankin, Stop Cancer In Its Tracks, stress, The Whole Health Cairn, The Whole Health Medicine Institute
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