Archives for March 2016

Ram Dass on Unconditional Love

Continuing our theme of unconditional love, we can now see what Ram Dass has to say about it. Unconditional love is the love that a mother has for her new born infant. It is love without question, doubt or insincerity. It is love with kindness, compassion, empathy, good will and generosity. It is freely given […]

Why Antidepressants Do Not Work

These words of wisdom from Dr. David Perlmutter, MD tell us why antidepressants do not work. The reason is quite simple: they treat the symptoms and not the cause.. “By 2005, antidepressants had become the #1 prescribed drug class in the country. But these medications do not treat depression. Whether it’s Prozac, Cymbalta, Zoloft, Elavil, […]

Tshering Tobgay: This country isn’t just carbon neutral — it’s carbon negative | TED Talk | Suggested media

Practicing Compassion

Here is some advice on practicing compassion which I received in an email from Wild Divine. I found this practice to be particularly beneficial because it relies on an old Buddhist practice of putting yourself in the other person’s frame of mind. As the Dalai Lama says, “If you want others to be happy, practice […]

You Can Change Your Feelings By Changing Your Thoughts

In the Silva Mind Body Healing that I have been listening to recently, Laura Silva said something like “You can change your feelings by changing your thoughts.” She was talking about your emotional body in conjunction with rational emotive therapy and this quote from Eric Maisel could easily been in Laura’s session on the emotional […]

Teaching on Love and Happiness

yada “Love liberates. It doesn’t just hold—that’s ego. Love liberates. It doesn’t bind. Love says, ‘I love you. I love you if you’re in China. I love you if you’re across town. I love you if you’re in Harlem. I love you. I would like to be near you. I’d like to have your arms […]

Love Everything – day 20

yada REMINDER: Today’s theme is“love everything, cling on to nothing.” Even though we like to hold on to things, to own and possess as much as possible, the truth of the matter is that nothing in life is ours to keep. Everything in life is fleeting and impermanent. Everything changes, nothing ever stays the same. […]

Start Your Day in a Positive Way: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

If you want to start your day in a positive way, you have to make sure that you set aside some time to relax, renew, and to connect with yourself. Source: Start Your Day in a Positive Way: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

The Practice of Generosity day 19

yada “For it is in giving that we receive.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi REMINDER: Today’s happiness theme is “give more, expect less.” When was the last time you did something for someone without expecting anything in return? EXERCISE: On this day, practice giving without expecting anything in return. Give with all your heart. Give, […]

No Complaints – day 18

yada “People who never achieve happiness are the ones who complain whenever they’re awake, and whenever they’re asleep, they are thinking about what to complain about tomorrow.” ~ Adam Zimbler We’re 3 days away from the end of our challenge. REMINDER: Today’s happiness theme is an experiment in practicing a “complaint- free day.” Complaining is […]