Archives for August 2024

Words of Wisdom for August 19, 2024

Dear Friends: Keep Opening the Door When you sit down to meditate, you never know what’s going to come up. Some days you’re hammered by relentless trivia; other days you’re caught in storms of anger or grief or fear. What’s important is just to keep coming back to the cushion, to keep opening the door […]

Words of Wisdom for August 18, 2024

Dear Friends: “As human beings we are all fundamentally compassionate. We have to build a world founded on human values

Words of Wisdom for August 17, 2024

Dear Friends: No other person will ever walk the path that destiny has laid out for you, but along that path, you’ll come home to a thousand different places. You will meet your mother, your father, your twin, yourself, in a thousand different bodies. Even on the loneliest night, when it seems there is no […]

Words of Wisdom for August 16, 2024

Dear Friends: Holding two versions of reality

Words of Wisdom for August 15, 2024

Dear Friends: Anything Can Happen Anything is possible, which could seem overwhelming in some way. But the only relationship we can have

Words of Wisdom for August 14, 2024

Dear Friends: Just this Breath “Settle in the here and now.Reach down into the centerwhere the world is not spinningand drink this holy peace. Feel relief flood into everycell. Nothing to do. Nothingto be but what you are alreadyNothing to receive but whatflows effortlessly from themystery into formNothing to run from or runtoward. Just this […]

Words of Wisdom for August 13, 2024

Dear Friends: It doesn’t take a lot of strength to hang on. It takes a lot of strength to let go. – J. C. Watts Read More Mini Mindfulness Breaks Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and Guided Mediations! Mindfulness Mentoring <!

Words of Wisdom for August 12, 2024

Dear Friends:

Words of Wisdom for August 11, 2024

Dear Friends: The language of play is in the fascinating lilt of all great stories, the healing stories told in every traditional culture. They’re the stories that entertain and entrance, just as a wonderful game can. – Martha Beck, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World Read More Mini Mindfulness Breaks Click here to […]

Words of Wisdom for August 10, 2024

Dear Friends: When people are caught up in being at war with themselves or being internally divided, they definitely obstruct the healing, growing, and awakening process. – Rick Hanson Read More Mini Mindfulness Breaks Click here to offer what you can for eBooks and Guided Mediations! Mindfulness Mentoring