Bring Your Mind Back to the Present Moment

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is well known for saying things like, “Bring your mind back to the present moment.” Thay, as he is called by his followers, consistently tells us to say hello to our thoughts and feelings, embrace them with compassion, and let them go to return to the present moment. He teaches […]

A Precious Gift for You – – Gmail

Gmail is email that’s intuitive, efficient, and useful. 15 GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. Source: A Precious Gift for You – – Gmail

Happiness Boosters

These words of wisdom from Tal Ben-Shahar, an American and Israeli author and lecturer. He talks about happiness boosters, which are moments of instant gratification that inspire him to carry on with his life. “In the past, I often reached a point where I felt depleted, when I had little enthusiasm for work (and sometimes […]

Teachings of the Buddha

In today’s lesson, we learn some of the teachings of the Buddha that have come to me from generous dharma teachers, Zen masters, and other resources. The first is from Roshi Joan Halifax: What the Buddha Taught The Buddha taught that we should practice helping others while cultivating deep concentration, compassion, and wisdom. He further […]

35 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Mark Twain – Purpose Fairy

35 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Mark Twain. There are so many valuable lessons to learn from Mark Twain and today I am going to share with you 35 of these lessons. Source: 35 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Mark Twain – Purpose Fairy

Mindful Reframing

The art of mindful reframing is an important aspect of mindfulness practice. It allows us to embrace our suffering by looking deeply into the causes and conditions of our situation. We examine our suffering in the light of our loving connected presence or self-kindness, interbeing, and mindfulness. These are the elements of self-compassion as taught […]

Genes do not Necessarily Determine Behavior

In this quote from Richie Davidson, we learn that genes do not necessarily determine behavior. They are like a switch that can be turned on and off, depending on causes and conditions in our lives. “These were the first hints that our emotional and psychological fate does not lie solely within the twists of the […]

On Learning to Let Go of Blame – Purpose Fairy

On Learning to Let Go of Blame. “There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.” Source: On Learning to Let Go of Blame – Purpose Fairy

Awareness Arises Naturally

yada “In a Zen retreat we have a format for working with these quicksilver changes: we sit with them, we pay attention to them… Being steady with mindfulness as an anchor for all the changes we go through is the way we practice forbearance. And you can employ this same method anywhere anytime: just pay […]

How to Overcome the Need to Control Everything – Purpose Fairy

How to Overcome the Need to Control Everything. This deep-rooted fear around the unknowns of life impacts many. So much so that we have resisted the journey and denied ourselves the right to enjoy life. Does this sound familiar? Source: How to Overcome the Need to Control Everything – Purpose Fairy