Do Not Kill Your Rabbit

In this video, Alan Watts tells a story about a little girl who was given a rabbit. He says, ”…pleasure in its fullness cannot be experienced when one is grasping it. “I knew a little girl to whom someone gave a bunny rabbit. She was so delighted with the bunny rabbit and so afraid of […]

Acceptance and Surrender with Eckhart Tolle

A few years back, I could not get enough of Eckhart Tolle. I went to my local library and rented every audio recording they had of Eckhardt Tolle. One of the most influential books of his is The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. This video is on acceptance and surrender with Eckhart […]

The Healing Power of Equanimity

These words of wisdom from Darlene Cohen, a long time teacher of Buddhism, on demonstrate the healing power of equanimity. She learned this lesson the hard way, having to deal with the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2011 from ovarian cancer. No Goal | November 21, 2014 Just as a […]

The Freshness of Life

These words of wisdom about the freshness of life by Uchiyama Kosho Roshi come to us from the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. My friend, Roshi Joan Halifax is the founder of Upaya and its abbess. I look forward to her emails weekly. Uchiyama Kosho Roshi lived between 1912 and 1988. He […]

We Are in Deep Trouble

I just finished watching Origins, a movie about our roots, our planet, and our future. It made me cry as I thought about how we are in deep trouble. We are in deep trouble with our food system. This puts us in deep trouble with our health and our medical systems. This means that big […]

Stop the Bombing

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, known as Thay by his followers, spoke at the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972. He urged the Americans to stop the bombing in Vietnam. He was speaking about the people in Vietnam that he knew were dying. He did not put the […]

Equanimity and Wisdom Work Together for a Happy Life

Andrew Olendzki is one of my favorite writers on Buddhism. Together with S. N. Goenka, we learn that equanimity and wisdom work together for a happy life. In the Tricycle article, Andrew says, “Mindfulness is the thin edge of a wedge that, if inserted deeply enough into our minds, will open them to wisdom. Whether […]

Life is Available Only in the Present Moment

Dear Friends: Now that the world knows that Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) is in intensive care, it is important to remember one of his major teaching: “Life is available only in the present moment.” Tricycle also picked up on this theme with these words of wisdom from Thay. It is funny that things […]

Love Is Letting Go Of Fear

With Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the hospital, it may be good to remember that love is letting go of fear. Then we will be free to love Thay and allow what is to be to be. Love Is Letting Go Of Fear is the title of a book by Jerry Jampolsky. He was the […]

Thich Nhat Hanh is Ill in Bordeaux

I am sorry to report that Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is ill in Bordeaux. Perhaps these words of wisdom will help us remain strong during this trying time. “This body is not me; I am not caught in this body, I am life without boundaries, I have never been born and I have never […]