Gratitude for Rain

This gratitude for rain video is by one of my dharma brothers, David Nelson and friends. It it called Rain Gratitude Meditation and is totally appropriate for today, now that the hot weather is here and we did have some rain this week. The extent of drought in California is so severe that it is […]

The End Of Suffering

As we move towards Easter Sunday, we witness the blossoming of spring and the warmer days of summer approaching. We prepare to celebrate Earth Day on April 22. We bring our love and compassion to Mother Earth and pray for the end of suffering. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh puts is so beautifully in this […]

Awareness Is A Life-and-Death Matter

These words of wisdom come from my teacher, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. We call him Thay, meaning beloved teacher. This teaching is important because in everything we think, say, or do, awareness is a life-and-death matter. When I had breakfast with Thay in 2006, I witnessed the way he would grasp his bowl with […]

What Do Harrison Ford And Don Cheadle Know That We Should

What do Harrison Ford and Don Cheadle know that we should? Also, what does New York Times writer, Thomas L. Friedman know that we don’t? What do Plainview, Texas, Syria, and the rainforest in Indonesia have in common? Watch this season opener of the new Showtime original series Years of Living Dangerously to find out. […]

Rave Diet Eating

Rave Diet Eating is the title of the video embedded below. You’ll learn how health problems are largely caused by eating habits and that a plant based diet may be the way to heal. Dr. Joseph Crow at the Cleveland Clinic suffered from heart disease. His colleague, Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. told him about a plant […]

Tapping Into Your Subconscious Mind

Tapping into your subconscious mind can be one of the most creative opportunities for you to get clarity about your goals and help you to overcome obstacles. Notice, I did not say, “…help you to solve problems.” Problems have a push-pull duality imposed on them by their very nature. Obstacles give you the opportunity to […]

Connecting With Your Inner Advisor

My friend, Dr. Marty Rossman, in addition to being a medical doctor, author, and acupuncturist, is the founder of what is now called interactive guided imagery. It is the granddaddy of creative visualization! He as trained more than a thousand people how to use guided imagery in a therapeutic environment. One of his most famous […]

Are You Hungry For Change?

Are you hungry for change? Have you tried countless diets and none of them work? That’s because diets don’t work! They all are just temporary fixes, but you won’t lose weight. If you want to know why, watch this video, the official trailer for Hungry for Change. It exposes shocking secrets the diet, weight loss […]

The Eternal I

A dharma sister of mine pointed to this wonderful poem by Jane Goodall, the famous primatologist who really wanted to be a poet Laurette. Louis Leakey was the British paleoanthropologist and archaeologist who inspired Jane Goodall to become a scientist. Her work with the wild chimpanzees for 45 years in Tanzania is legendary. She studied […]

The Basic Minute

I have offered this video on One Moment Meditation several times in these pages. Since my last offering, I have read the book and practiced all of the exercises in the book. The author, Martin Boroson, sent me an email with instructions on how to do what he calls, “The Basic Minute.” He goes on […]