Reverence for Life

Reverence for Life is the first of the Five Mindfulness Trainings authored by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (known as “Thay” by his followers.) In the time of the Buddha it was known as the first precept and, in fact, at that time, all of the precepts were simple statements like, “Not to kill,” “Not […]

15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy

Here is a list of the 15 things you should give up to be happy from Luminita Saviuc, The Purpose Ferry When she first post this on Facebook, it went viral and she was offered a book contract based on it (see below). She writes: Here is a list of 15 things which, if you […]

How to Prepare for the Future

In these wonderful words of wisdom from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, we learn how to prepare for the future. When I first began writing these pages in 2012, several of the mentors I had would say, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” This was a really hard one from me as […]

Addicted to Ease and Comfort

On Sunday night, I attended Marin Sangha. The teacher was Lisa Dale Miller and her topic was addiction. She said that we live in a society addicted to ease and comfort. I couldn’t agree more. She also explained that what we commonly thing of addictions are usually the result of some childhood trauma. This also […]

May I Have the Courage

These words of wisdom come from my dear friend Gabrielle Roth. She passed away on October 22, 2012 and she is sorely missed by many of my friends and me. You can read about her passing here: In Memory Of My Beloved Teacher, Gabrielle Roth. Her son, Jonathan Horan, has taken over the Five Rhythms […]

9 Ways To Stop Worrying

Now that the holidays are over and many people are back to their normal lives, it may be difficult to keep the spirit of the holidays high. Negative emotions like fear, worry, anxiety, depression, stress, and anger may begin to emerge once more. Even worse, the holidays may have brought little or no relief from […]


Ahimsa – non-violence, is a common thread in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Christianity and Judaism, we find the commandment, “Thou shall not kill!” We all know about all the religious wars that were fought in the name of God and the violent acts of killing that took place. Ahimsa is a comprehensive principle. We are […]

We Need To Root Out Seeds Of Anger

I just received these Words of Wisdom from Lama Surya Das about the Boston bombing that took place on yesterday during the Boston Marathon. In this statement, Lama Surya Das says that we need to root out seeds of anger, hatred, fear, and greed. Today is a day of tears and prayers here in Boston, […]

Meditation Practices For Reducing Emotional Distress

What are the most common causes of emotional distress? What are the best meditation practices for reducing emotional distress? What does emotional distress come from? Fear is definitely one of these causes. When we are afraid, we are out of our element and not able to think straight. We are tuned into the fight or […]