The perfection of generosity (dana) is the first of six paramitas (perfections or virtues) taught by the Buddha. The Buddha taught that generosity leads to happiness and a whole lot of other benefits. Modern research is beginning to confirm this 2,600 year old wisdom tradition. The scientists are also telling us that generosity leads to […]
Was Einstein a Buddhist?
I’m wondering if Einstein was a Buddhist. These words of wisdom certainly point to a deep understanding of the nature of interbeing – the nature of interdependence. His statement, “…that we are here for the sake of each other,” is a statement that points to our interconnection with each other and our interdependence on each […]
Disarming Laughter
The Dalai Lama visited the National Institute of Health (NIH) on March 7 to crowds of people from the NIH. Rich McManus writes that “…it was the Dalai Lama’s laughter—a sudden, prolonged, heartfelt and guttural chortle—that disarmed the room.” I am sure you are familiar with the Dalai Lama’s disarming laughter 🙂 ! McManus went […]
6 Things Uniting in Harmony
The 6 things uniting in harmony to be remembered were spoken by the Buddha. These came to me in an email from Bhikkhu Samahita The Blessed Buddha once said: These six things are to be remembered in order to unite any community in harmony: Which six? Friendly Behavior both in public & in private. Friendly […]
Gratitude Meditaiton
Breathing in, I feel gratitude Breathing out, I feel generous Breathing in, I smile Breathing out, I am home. This one, like all, begins with awareness of breath. In. Out. Awareness of breathing = awareness of being alive. Right now I feel so grateful to be alive. No need to put it into words. My […]
We Are Here For The Sake Of Others
These words of wisdom from Albert Einstein sound more like they came from a Buddhist teacher like the Dalai Lama or Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and not from the most famous scientist of the 20th century. The Dalai Lama would say, “The fact that we will die is certain. The time of death is […]
Ahimsa – non-violence, is a common thread in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Christianity and Judaism, we find the commandment, “Thou shall not kill!” We all know about all the religious wars that were fought in the name of God and the violent acts of killing that took place. Ahimsa is a comprehensive principle. We are […]
6 Phase Meditation
The 6 phase meditation led by Vishen Lakhiani has been very powerful for me since I learned it recently. Many of the phases were already part of my daily meditation practice and it was wonderful to incorporate the phases that were not already present Vishen Lakhiani is the founder of Mindvalley, a company providing wonderful […]
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