The Bliss of Awakening – Adyashanti Warning

Adyashanti issues a warning in these words of wisdom from Tricycle. He warns us that the bliss of awakening can be addicting and we should watch out for it. It is merely a by-product of awakening, and not true awakening itself. Adyashanti is an American born spiritual teacher with loads of credentials. He teaches non-duality […]

We Make the Path by Walking It

Lyn Fine is a dharma teacher in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Over the past dozen years or more, I have often heard her say, “We make the path by walking it!” I often think of this when I’m planning my next move in healing myself of muscle invasive bladder cancer. I […]

Beginner’s Mind

Shunryu Suzuki Roshi was the founding teacher of the San Francisco Zen Center. His simple teachings have inspired many new dharma teachers such as Myogen Steve Stucky, Zoketsu Norman Fischer, Wendy Johnson, and many others. My first experience at the San Francisco Zen Center was in 1972. I did a seven day sesshin there with […]

The Answer That is Blowing in the Wind

Pema Chodron, in these words of wisdom from Tricycle gives us the answer that is blowing in the wind about our ability to take a step into the unknown. This is called renunciation. Renunciation, in Buddhism, is a step in the direction of becoming a monastic. When a person decides to become a monastic, they […]

How to Free Ourselves of Negative Thoughts

This video from Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey featuring Michael Singer teaches us how to free ourselves of negative thoughts. Michael says, “To attain true inner freedom, you must be able to objectively watch your problems instead of being lost in them… Once you’ve made the commitment to free yourself of the scared person […]

How To Connect Our Inner and Outer Worlds

This video is the trailer for a series of four videos which teach us how to connect our inner and outer worlds. I was amazed by the powerful graphics in this video as much as the content. This series is about the insight of interbeing – the interconnectedness of all things. It is about the […]

May I Have the Courage

These words of wisdom come from my dear friend Gabrielle Roth. She passed away on October 22, 2012 and she is sorely missed by many of my friends and me. You can read about her passing here: In Memory Of My Beloved Teacher, Gabrielle Roth. Her son, Jonathan Horan, has taken over the Five Rhythms […]

Surrendering to Our Grief

Frank Ostaseski is one the founders of the Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco. It was founded in 1987 by members of the San Francisco Zen Center and its doors have been open since 1990. I have had more than three previous occasions to encounter the Zen Hospice Project. When my friend, Richard Dahut was […]

A Center of Love and Kindness

Here is a marvelous quote from Jon Kabat-Zinn. He teaches us to establish ourselves as a center of love and kindness. I believe that it was Kristin Neff who found that people looking for mates are more concerned about finding someone who is kind than any other quality, and this is the most important quality […]

Ceremony and Ritual Creates Mindfulness

In this video from Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey interviews Mariel Hemingway and her soul mate, Bobby Williams. They are discussing their new book, Running with Nature: Stepping Into the Life You Were Meant to Live. Mariel, says, “I think ceremony and ritual creates mindfulness.” I’m all in favor of anything that creates mindfulness! She […]