Vishen Lakhiani is the founder of Mindvalley, the fastest growing business in the advancement of humanity and personal development. In this video Vishen shares about flow, the ultimate state of human existence. The talk is titled, “Why happiness is the new productivity.” Vishen appeared at the Engage Today event in Calgary with Sir Richard Branson, […]
6 Things Uniting in Harmony
The 6 things uniting in harmony to be remembered were spoken by the Buddha. These came to me in an email from Bhikkhu Samahita The Blessed Buddha once said: These six things are to be remembered in order to unite any community in harmony: Which six? Friendly Behavior both in public & in private. Friendly […]
6 Ways To Cultivate Gratitude
Even the Harvard Mental Health Letter is writing about the benefits of gratitude. They say, “Expressing thanks may be one of the simplest ways to feel better.” They offer 6 ways to cultivate gratitude. Several research studies have shown that groups of people assigned to writing about gratitude fared better than the control groups who […]
The Third Precious Jewel
These words of wisdom are from my teacher, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, known as Thay by his followers. It is about the third precious jewel of Buddhism, the Sangha. The other two jewels are the Buddha and the Dharma. When a person takes refuge in the three jewels, he or she is declaring his or […]
Actualize Yourself
Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, received a brown box at the funeral of Steve Jobs. In the brown box was the last gift of Steve Jobs. It was a copy of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi. Mark Benioff had gone to Steve Jobs for advice when he was having major problems in his company. […]
The Ultimate Bliss
These words of wisdom from were translated from the Muccalinda Sutta, Ud 2.1., by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Tricycle Daily Dharma December 2, 2013 The Ultimate Bliss Blissful is solitude for one who’s content, who has heard the Dhamma, who sees. Blissful is non-affliction with regard for the world, restraint for living beings. Blissful is dispassion with […]
A Prayer of Forgiveness
Yesterday, I shared 5 mediation practices for forgiveness that were written by Iyanla Vanzant. One of the 5 practices was to read a prayer of forgiveness. This one is from her book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Here is a sample of a Forgiveness prayer from my book: A Prayer of Forgiveness […]
5 Meditation Practices For Forgiveness
These 5 meditation practices for forgiveness were written by Iyanla Vanzant. She says, What I have learned during my 30-year sojourn through the science of personal and spiritual growth and healing is that forgiveness will cure whatever ails you. The other thing I am totally convinced of is that while forgiveness ain’t easy, it’s the […]
Thanksgiving Day Reflections from Myogen Steve Stucky
These Thanksgiving day reflections from Myogen Steve Stucky were shared by OI brother Gary Gach. Little did he know that in 1987 and 1988, I used to attend Steve’s Monday evening sitting group in Mill Valley. I stopped coming the week after my father died. My knees were bothering me and I had a disappointing […]
Happy Thanksgiving
These words of wisdom from Lama Surya Das came a couple of days ago and I want to share them with you. I couldn’t have expressed my feelings about loving kindness and gratitude better. Gratitude Thanksgiving is always for me a time of reflection, how it’s never too late to start again or to turn […]
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