This is the week of Thanksgiving and we are all thinking about what we are grateful for. If you live in the United States, you probably had a humongous meal on Thursday and are wondering why you still feel stuffed. As long as you are still thinking about gratitude, what are you most grateful for? […]
Do You Want To Wake Up?
This lovely video from the I Am Awake project is short and to the point. Instead of “What if I told you to wake up?” please tell me, do you want to wake up? What does it mean to wake up? We must wake up to the destruction we are causing to the environment. Just […]
What Is The Nature Of Perception
Continuing with the teachings of the Buddha that are coming forward in the scientific community, we ask, “What is the nature of perception?” According to the teachings of Buddhism, most of our suffering is caused by wrong perceptions. Perception is the third of the Five Aggregates – form, feelings, perceptions, mental formations and consciousness. These […]
No Permanent Self
One of the main teachings of the Buddha is now coming forward in the scientific community. This teaching is that there is no permanent self. Along with impermanence and nirvana, non-self is one of the three Dharma Seals. All forms of Buddhism have these Dharma Seals. When we look into impermanence, we see that everything changes. […]
Interbeing With Nature
I just watched an amazing movie titled, “The Animal Communicator.” It is about our interbeing with nature and interspecies communication. Interbeing is a word coined by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh to help us realize the insight of our interconnectedness with nature, the earth, the sun, the planets, the Milky Way, and the whole cosmos. […]
What Makes You Happy?
What makes you happy? Hanging out with friends? Eating good food? Making a lot of money? Traveling to exotic places? Scientists have found out that one of the greatest contributing factors to overall happiness in your life is how much gratitude you show. The science of happiness shows us that happiness can increase by 4 […]
The Silva Centering Exercise
In this video, you will learn the Silva Centering Exercise. It was developed by Jose Silva many years ago and is taught by his daughter, Laura Silva. Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, introduces the Silva Centering Exercise. If you have purchased any of my Guided Meditations for Sound Sleep, Anger Control, Weight Loss, Achieve Goals, […]
How To Find Joy And Happiness
This video shows us how to find joy and happiness in these words of wisdom. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says, “There is a little difference between joy and happiness. In joy there is still some excitement. But in happiness you are calmer.” He tells a story which illustrates the difference between joy and happiness. […]
6 Phase Meditation
The 6 phase meditation led by Vishen Lakhiani has been very powerful for me since I learned it recently. Many of the phases were already part of my daily meditation practice and it was wonderful to incorporate the phases that were not already present Vishen Lakhiani is the founder of Mindvalley, a company providing wonderful […]
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