Mindfulness Can Help Reduce Stress

Here is another excerpt from The Science of Consciousness in which Amishi Jha explains how mindfulness can help reduce stress. She responds to Jon Kabat-Zinn‘s definition of mindfulness: “Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way on purpose in the present moment non-judgmentally.” The first element of mindfulness in dealing with stress is the attention factor. […]

The Sound Of The Bell

The bell of mindfulness is one of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh‘s most remarkable teachings. He teaches us to stop and take three breaths whenever we hear the sound of the bell. The bell could be our doorbell, our cell phone, or the beautiful bell that you will find in all Buddhist monasteries and practice […]

The Festival Of Freedom

Last night, Jews all over the world celebrated Passover: the festival of freedom. When I was living with my parents, Passover was a very big deal in many ways. We celebrated the Passover seder both nights and for the rest of the eight days of the holiday. There were always a minimum of 25 people […]

Do You Believe in Mind Stories?

Do you believe in mind stories? Would you believe that this child: could become this young man? I believed it because as soon as Micah went into the hospital with metastatic kidney cancer, I began working with him with mind stories. Mind stories are guided meditations specifically designed for younger people. I spent most of my nights […]

What Goes On In Your Brain When You Meditate

This video, which is part of The Science of Consciousness, Dr. Richie Davidson answers the question, “What goes on in your brain when you meditate?” Richie Davidson is a professor of psychology and psychiatry, and director of the Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He also was one of the presenters […]

The Science of Consciousness

Dr. Richie Davidson and Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn got together with neuroscientist Amishi Jha to discuss the science of consciousness and its role in mental and physical health. Richie Davidson spoke at Sanford University last autumn. You can read Richie Davidson’s Lecture At Stanford. Jon Kabat-Zinn spoke in San Francisco in January. You can read The Science Of Yoga And Healing. […]

Tibetan Monks Chanting Om

This excellent video of Tibetan monks chanting Om contains high quality sound. As wonderful as these sounds are, I’m afraid the pale in comparison to the wonderful chanting I heard when Rama Jyoti Vernon do it in January. Her voice was so deep and resonant that it filled the room and I’m sure touched deep […]

Inner Peace Is The Ultimate Source Of Happiness

This short video is an excerpt from the film, “Dalai Lama Renaissance.” I actually think this clip took place at one of the Mind and Life conferences from the look of things. He thinks we are actually creating more suffering. Not speaking of religion or Buddhism, we get more benefit if we are more compassionate. We will be […]

The Mistress Of Self-Compassion

Dr. Kristen Neff is the master of self-compassion. She even wrote the book about it: Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind. I first heard about Kristin Neff on the Sounds True production of The Compassionate Brain hosted by Dr. Rick Hanson. She has been called the mistress of self-compassion! When talking about self-compassion on […]

What Happened In Myanmar?

Last night, we watched an extremely moving movie called, “The Call It Myanmar: Lifting the Curtain.” The movie tells the story of what happened in Myanmar. The movie was filmed by Cornell University physics professor and filmmaker Robert H. Lieberman. It was shot over a period of two years while he was in Myanmar (Burma) to […]