Search Results for: self-compassion

The Four Divine Abodes

This course is a four week introduction to the Four Divine Abodes: loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. They are also called the four sublime abodes or four immeasurable minds because they bring a sense of vitality and happiness for others. These are some of my favorite teachings as they work together to cultivate […]

RAINS Meditation for Happiness

On October 21, 2021, I introduced this RAINS Meditation for Happiness to my colleagues in the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP) with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach and I am offering a version of it tonight for my class in How to Use Mindfulness to Be Happy. The acronym RAIN has been used by […]

RAIN and the 5 A’s

How do you choose between RAIN and the 5 A’s? Keep reading to find out what the RAIN and 5 A method is and how to use them to improve your mental well-being in trying situations and in everyday life. What is RAIN? RAIN is an acronym for a mindfulness meditation practice that brings awareness […]

RAIN and the 5 A’s

RAIN is an acronym for a mindfulness meditation practice that brings awareness and compassion to difficult emotions. It can be practiced just about anywhere with just about any uncomfortable life situation. RAIN helps to remove the effects of our habitual ways of doing things and helps us get in touch with our inner knowing of […]

Taking Care of Anger

At a recent meeting of our Mindfulness In Healing sangha (meditation group) we discussed the Mindfulness Training #6, Taking Care of Anger. This training reads, Aware that anger blocks communication and creates suffering, we are committed to taking care of the energy of anger when it arises, recognizing and transforming the seeds of anger that […]


Self-forgiveness, like self-compassion can often be very difficult. If we remember what Jack Kornfield said, “Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past,” we can begin to forgive ourselves and other people in our lives. In my way of thinking, forgiveness, like gratitude and loving kindness, are clear paths to inner peace and […]

Unabashed Love Letter

Just got this unabashed love letter from Lissa Rankin’s Daily Flame. The theme goes along with what we have been discussing in the Mindfulness in Healing sangha: self-compassion. Dear Jerome, It’s time for an unabashed love letter. I adore you so much I want to pinch your cheeks and kiss them while wearing bright red […]

Be Willing to Love

These words of wisdom from Jack Kronfield teach us to be willing to love and to stay present. These are the two freedoms that we have, regardless of our situation. If we are willing to let love in our hearts, we can connect with the beauty of life around us and connect with other people. […]

Love Is All Around

During the Holiday Season and the time of the Winter Solstice, we need to be assured that love is all around. Take a look at the couple in the photograph below. Love is all around them as the look out across San Francisco Bay on a beautiful October evening, being aware of only each other, […]

Bring Your Mind Back to the Present Moment

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is well known for saying things like, “Bring your mind back to the present moment.” Thay, as he is called by his followers, consistently tells us to say hello to our thoughts and feelings, embrace them with compassion, and let them go to return to the present moment. He teaches […]