The guided meditation to release anger and resentment with forgiveness is also from Michael Sealey. I find his choice of music and his voice very soothing. Michael writes: This one hour long, guided self hypnosis session is for helping you to release and overcome issues of anger or resentment. The second half of this recording […]
The Root of All Evil
Many people think that money is the root of all evil, but the Buddha teaches something totally different in the Mula (or Root) Sutta (Sutra). In this sutra, the Buddha asks, “In what are all phenomena rooted?” and, as in all sutras, he answers his own question. Thanissara (Mary Weinberg), a former nun in the […]
15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy
Here is a list of the 15 things you should give up to be happy from Luminita Saviuc, The Purpose Ferry When she first post this on Facebook, it went viral and she was offered a book contract based on it (see below). She writes: Here is a list of 15 things which, if you […]
Vulnerability Practice
This vulnerability practice that you can explore sometime today in the privacy of your own pen and paper from Luminita Saviuc, The Purpose Ferry. “If you want to be happy, if you want to experience the many wonders of life, and if you want to feel what it really feels like to be fully alive, […]
The Wild New You
Martha Beck has a wonderful new course called, “The Wild New You,” which you’ll find if you click on the button below. In this class, you will learn the Four Technologies of Magic that are mentioned in the following video: Martha says in class four or the “Wild New You”, “If you want to be […]
The Power of a Smile
This wordless video demonstrates the power of a smile. In each of the events portrayed in the video, all tensions are eased by the power of a smile. Watch how children play, business men collide and spill the papers, a young woman spills tea on a customer, and an angry man seem prepared to beat […]
Lightening Your Load
These word of wisdom today come from Luminita Saviuc – The Purpose Ferry about lightening your load. We started doing this about a year ago and our project virtually came to a halt when my son and his now wife found their own place to live. Our garage, closets and storage space are all filled […]
The Three Poisons
The three poisons or the three roots (of suffering) were the subject of Brother Phap Vu‘s dharma talk on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at the Earth Holder Retreat in the Deer Park Monastery. The three poisons are variously translated as shown in the following table (reading down) desire greed attraction hatred ill-will aversion ignorance illusion […]
Garry Shandling was a Buddhist
I did not know that Garry Shandling was a Buddhist until I read this story on the Lion’s Roar website in an article titled, “He Never Said No” – The inside story of Garry Shandling’s Buddhism. It turns out that Garry Shandling was a friend of Brother Phap Hai, a monk in the Plum Village […]
Fourteen Verses on Meditation
These Fourteen Verses on Meditation were written by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and translated from Vietnamese by ChanCo, Maple Village May 2016. I want to express my gratitude to ChanCo who wrote regarding the translation, In my translation, I have considered that these verses are verses of practice so I have tried to make […]
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