Reverence for Life

Reverence for Life is the first of the Five Mindfulness Trainings authored by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (known as “Thay” by his followers.) In the time of the Buddha it was known as the first precept and, in fact, at that time, all of the precepts were simple statements like, “Not to kill,” “Not […]

Release Anger and Resentment

The guided meditation to release anger and resentment with forgiveness is also from Michael Sealey. I find his choice of music and his voice very soothing. Michael writes: This one hour long, guided self hypnosis session is for helping you to release and overcome issues of anger or resentment. The second half of this recording […]

The Upside of Stress

Kelly McGonigal gave a talk on How to Turn Stress into an Advantage from her new book, The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It. The talk took place at the 2015 99U conference at Lincoln Center in New York City. In Kelly’s research, she learned […]

One Thing You Can Do About Mindful Consumption

Here is one thing you can do about mindful consumption: turn off your TV:)! Mindful consumption is the subject of the Fifth of the Five Mindfulness Trainings. It reads, Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I am committed to cultivate good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and my society by […]

Loving Kindness Meditation with Gil Fronsdal

It is with great pleasure that I present this Loving Kindness Meditation with Gil Fronsdal. The text is from his book, The Issue at Hand. The book is offered as a gift to the community. It is freely given and available online. I found this to be so instructive that I want to share this […]

The First Precept

Bernie Glassman is back again with more words of wisdom from Tricycle Daily Dharma. This time, he is talking about the first precept taught by the Buddha. The traditional rendering of this precept is, “Non-killing,” or  “To abstain from killing any living creature.” This is sometimes taken to extreme by certain monks and nuns in […]

Embracing Anger

These words of wisdom from Mark Epstein in Tricycle Daily Dharma teach us about sitting with anger, or, as Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) teaches, embracing anger. Can you imagine a more explosive situation than what is going on in Israel today? With the recent war in Gaza started by Hamas with their bombing […]

Seven Pieces of Advice from Rumi

These seven pieces of advice from Rumi touched my heart. In generosity and helping others be like the river. In compassion and grace be like the sun. In concealing others’ faults be like the night. In anger and fury be like the dead. In modesty and humility be like the soil. In tolerance be like […]

Enneagram Point 1 – The Perfectionist

To celebrate the redesign of the Enneagram Instrument website, we are offering this excerpt of Point One on the enneagram. Habits of Heart and Mind of the Perfectionist Point one on the enneagram represents “The Perfectionist“. The fixation for point one is resentment, which is derived from the one’s preoccupation with getting things right and […]

Anger Control Guided Meditation

In primitive times, anger was necessary to get our adrenalin working so that we could harness our energy to run away from or stay around to fight lions and tigers. Now, anger is one of the most destructive emotions we experience. It causes us to inflict pain and suffering on ourselves and the people we […]