I came across these wonderful words of wisdom from Karlfried Graf von Dürckheim through an old friend of mine who has undergone many recent transformations. I think he shared this quote from The Way of Transformation with me about a year ago, and it read it again today. The things that struck me about this quote […]
These words of wisdom today come from Thomas Merton, an American Catholic writer, mystic, and friend of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. I have heard Thich Nhat Hanh, known as Thay by his followers, speak about Thomas Merton many times in recent years. The subject of worthiness comes up everyday in the life of followers […]
10 Mega Foods To Help You Heal
Life can get pretty hectic. And sometimes it feels like a second doesn’t pass where we’re not juggling several tasks at once as we desperately try to strike off our to-do list, even though we know that we should Focus On One Thing At A Time. So it’s no surprise that most people don’t even […]
Dalai Lama Led The Opening Prayer For The Senate
On March 6, The Dalai Lama led the opening prayer for the Senate. This was the very first time he did that. He began with, Firstly, as usual, I am Buddhist monk – simple Buddhist monk. So I pray to Buddha and all other Gods. The first sentence I will read now in my broken […]
The Necessity of Love and Compassion
I was fortunate to be able to spend an afternoon with the Dalai Lama with my wife and two good friends on February 22 at Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco. I was able to purchase ticket through the International Campaign for Tibet. The event was sponsored by The American Himalayan Foundation and The Blum […]
You And I
These words of wisdom come from Lama Surya Das and contain a poem by Rumi. This short poem expresses the insight of interbeing in its simplest possible form. This word, interbeing, refers to the interconnectedness of all things. It was proposed by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh many years ago and soon, he hopes, it […]
5 Sutras Of Yogi Bhajan
The 5 Sutras of Yogi Bhajan are wisdom teachings for the Aquarian Age. They are to be released over a period of five years from 2013 to 2017. I believe that they have been released before. As stated in a previous article, Gabrielle Bernstein Awakens Your Authentic Power, Yogi Bhajan was responsible for introducing Kundalini […]
Mindfulness Is In The Mainstream
On Monday, February 3, 2014, Time Magazine published and article titled, The Mindful Revolution – The Science of Finding Focus in a Stessed-out, Multitasking Culture. The article is another one that proves that mindfulness is in the mainstream and on people’s hearts and minds. The article, by Kate Pickert, begins with The raisins sitting in my […]
The Eightfold Path
These words of wisdom come from the Tricycle Daily Dharma for January 30, 2014. They talk about the eight steps in the Eightfold Path of the Buddha. These steps have been the subject of many articles in these pages and it is always good to gain another perspective. Bhante Henepola Gunaratana is a well-know Sri […]
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