The Healing Mind

The Healing Mind with Martin Rossman, M.D. is a new program on national public television which premiered last night in San Francisco on KQED. Marty was present during the pledge segments of the program and spoke very elegantly about the Healing Mind Prescription, which can be had for a donation of only $156. The Healing […]

Connecting With Your Inner Advisor

My friend, Dr. Marty Rossman, in addition to being a medical doctor, author, and acupuncturist, is the founder of what is now called interactive guided imagery. It is the granddaddy of creative visualization! He as trained more than a thousand people how to use guided imagery in a therapeutic environment. One of his most famous […]

Focus On One Thing At A Time

Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence is the new book by Daniel Goleman. He was recently interviewed by Joan Duncan Oliver in an article in Tricycle Magazine titled, Focus: The Power of Paying Attention. Unless you are a member, you won’t be able to read the whole article. What caught the focus of my […]

Mindfulness Based Healing

As you know, one of the major themes of this website is mindfulness based healing. This means bringing all the tools of mindfulness meditation to the healing process, becoming your own medical advocate, and taking charge of your medical experience. Whether you are healing from cancer, a physical injury, or an emotional upheaval in your […]

Mind Stories Helped Cure Cancer

I am re-releasing this article to complement two articles from earlier this week. The first was A Cancer Cure – Gerson Therapy and the second was Suppressed Cancer Cures. Neither of these articles nor the videos in them mentioned much about meditation, visualization, or mind stories. I think it is important to include these kinds […]

Guided Meditation And Mental Fitness

While researching the ideas of guided meditation and mental fitness, I came across an article on the Psychology Today website called, “Three Keys to Optimum Mental Fitness: How to exercise your psychological muscles” by Clifford Lazarus, Ph. D. The article begins with some wisdom that I try to instill on my students: Most people know the […]