
Mindfulness Breaks™ Really Work

I want to tell you that Mindfulness Breaks™ really work for me! I would like to mention three instances in my life where Mindfulness Breaks really helped me. You can actually read more about these on Meditation Practices and Mindfulness In Healing (websites). In 1973, just after my training at a retreat center in the […]

How Mindfulness Breaks™ Supported?

You now may be wondering how Mindfulness Breaks™ are supported. Well, I have good news for you! Mindfulness Breaks offers six different ways you can get support before, during and after you sign up for a Mindfulness Break in your home or workplace. While these are not listed in a specific order, you’ll discover one […]

What is Involved in a Mindfulness Break™ Session?

By now, you may be wondering what is Involved in a Mindfulness Break™ session. Whether you sign up for a Mindfulness Break session in your home or workplace, my office, or through Skype / Whatsap / Facetime, you will have the same type of  experience that hundreds of people have already had with my training […]

Mindfulness Breaks™ in Your Home

In my last article, I introduced the concept of a Mindfulness Break™. Now I want to tell you about Mindfulness Breaks in your home or workplace. A Mindfulness Break in your home or workplace is guided meditation experience in which I train you to be mindful in such a way that you can do it […]

What is a Mindfulness Break™?

If you have every worked for an employer, you probably had a lunch break. If you are a coffee drinker, you are accustomed to taking a coffee break. And if you are still addicted to smoking, you probably take a cigarette break once in a while at work. So, what if you could take a […]

The Land of the Free…

Americans pride ourselves as living in “The land of the free and the home of the brave.” But are we really free? Many of us are slaves to our jobs and can’t really make end meet. Others are slaves to alcohol, drugs and food. But we all want peace and security. Meanwhile, the rich are […]

The Illusion of Separateness

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is famous for saying, “We are here to awaken to the illusion of our separateness.” What exactly does this mean? In my way of contemplating this teaching, I think of the following with Lissa Rankin which I received this morning: Dear Jerome, What if there is no “right” or “wrong?” […]

A Song For All Beings

Last Saturday night, I attended a performance of A Song For All  Beings to a packed house. Composed and produced by Jennifer Berezan and friends, A Song For All Beings is based on the Buddhist practice of metta and the four immeasurable minds or Brahma Viharas (divine abodes) of loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and […]

Include All Things

The insight of interbeing tells us to include all things. This inclusiveness pertains to people, animals, plants and minerals all the way down to the smallest atom (hydrogen) and all the up beyond the visible universe. But this is not a new idea as many think. For example, in my interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson […]

Man is Not the Enemy

With lots of unrest in the world and in the United States about the inauguration we have to remember that man is not the enemy. So who or what is the enemy? I would say that greed, aggression and delusion are the enemy – the three poisons taught by the Buddha. For example, in Tanzania, […]